



返回 2020.04.28 來(lái)源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
  In recent years, the sales volume of gas generator set is increasing. As the blood of gas generator set, the lubrication system is very important. It is necessary to reduce not only the friction of all components of the generator set, but also the internal heat of the generator set. How does the lubrication system of gas generator set work?
  The generator set adopts the compound lubrication mode of pressure lubrication and splash lubrication.
  1. 壓力潤(rùn)滑
  1. Pressure lubrication
  12V190 gas generator set is generally installed with 4 oil pumps. The oil inlet of the manual and electric pre feed pump is connected with the oil in the oil pan through the oil pipe.
  Before starting the gas generator set, the oil in the oil pan must be delivered to the friction part of the generator set through the pre feed pump to ensure the necessary lubrication during the starting process.
  During pre charging, the pre charging oil pump delivers oil directly from the oil pan to the oil cooler. After being filtered by the oil filter, most of the oil enters the main oil passage, and the rest is sent to the supercharger and cylinder head from the rear cover pipe joint of the oil filter.
  After the gas generator set is started, the pre feed pump does not work, and the two gear pumps installed on the oil pan are driven by the crankshaft through the gear. The oil pump directly presses the oil in the oil pan into the oil groove in the oil pump bracket through the coarse screen.
  Bracket: the oil is divided into two ways from the left side of the body through the centrifugal filter to enter the oil pipe into the centrifugal filter. After the oil is filtered, it flows back to the oil pan. The other way reads the oil cooler from the one-way pressure regulating chamber on the right side of the body. The cooled oil enters the oil filter. After the filtration and purification, most of the cleaning oil flows along the main oil channel of the inclined oil channel on the right side of the body, The other part is taken from the oil filter rear cover pipe joint to the supercharger and cylinder head.
  2. 飛濺式潤(rùn)滑
  2. Splash lubrication
  The friction surface between the piston and the cylinder sleeve, the friction surface between the teeth of the gear system and some gas components on the cylinder head of the gas generator set are all splash lubricated.
  The above is the related content introduced by the manufacturer of gas generator set. For more information, please visit the website: http://www.pp198.cn
  • 服務(wù)熱線



  In recent years, the sales volume of gas generator set is increasing. As the blood of gas generator set, the lubrication system is very important. It is necessary to reduce not only the friction of all components of the generator set, but also the internal heat of the generator set. How does the lubrication system of gas generator set work?
  The generator set adopts the compound lubrication mode of pressure lubrication and splash lubrication.
  1. 壓力潤(rùn)滑
  1. Pressure lubrication
  12V190 gas generator set is generally installed with 4 oil pumps. The oil inlet of the manual and electric pre feed pump is connected with the oil in the oil pan through the oil pipe.
  Before starting the gas generator set, the oil in the oil pan must be delivered to the friction part of the generator set through the pre feed pump to ensure the necessary lubrication during the starting process.
  During pre charging, the pre charging oil pump delivers oil directly from the oil pan to the oil cooler. After being filtered by the oil filter, most of the oil enters the main oil passage, and the rest is sent to the supercharger and cylinder head from the rear cover pipe joint of the oil filter.
  After the gas generator set is started, the pre feed pump does not work, and the two gear pumps installed on the oil pan are driven by the crankshaft through the gear. The oil pump directly presses the oil in the oil pan into the oil groove in the oil pump bracket through the coarse screen.
  Bracket: the oil is divided into two ways from the left side of the body through the centrifugal filter to enter the oil pipe into the centrifugal filter. After the oil is filtered, it flows back to the oil pan. The other way reads the oil cooler from the one-way pressure regulating chamber on the right side of the body. The cooled oil enters the oil filter. After the filtration and purification, most of the cleaning oil flows along the main oil channel of the inclined oil channel on the right side of the body, The other part is taken from the oil filter rear cover pipe joint to the supercharger and cylinder head.
  2. 飛濺式潤(rùn)滑
  2. Splash lubrication
  The friction surface between the piston and the cylinder sleeve, the friction surface between the teeth of the gear system and some gas components on the cylinder head of the gas generator set are all splash lubricated.
  The above is the related content introduced by the manufacturer of gas generator set. For more information, please visit the website: http://www.pp198.cn
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