



返回 2021.03.31 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
Generators are not unfamiliar to us. They are commonly used in many fields of life. With the continuous development of economy, there are more and more types of generators, among which gas generators are favored by people. So what are the fuel saving skills in the process of using gas generators? Now let Jinan jichai give you a detailed introduction.
(1) Use fuel-saving smoke reducer. Fix the fuel economizer and smoke reducer vertically in the front oil circuit of the fuel injection pump, and connect the DC power supply. In Weichai diesel engine, the smoke is reduced significantly. It can not only reduce environmental pollution, but also save about 5% oil.
(2) Install inertia supercharger. When the inertia supercharger is installed on the diesel engine, the power can be increased by 15% and the fuel consumption can be reduced by 3% ~ 5%.
(3) Wrap toilet paper on the filter element. Wrapping 2-3 layers of toilet paper with strong adsorption on the filter element of diesel engine oil can improve the cleanliness of oil and reduce fuel consumption.
(4) add foam plastic air filter element. In the two layers of air filter, a layer of 8~20mm thick foam plastic with good permeability can improve the filtration effect, keep the oil burning normally and reduce the fuel consumption.
(5) The oil return pipe is diverted. By connecting the oil return pipe of diesel engine to the high-pressure oil pipe, the oil return can enter the low-pressure oil circuit, which can ensure the normal combustion, and the fuel saving effect is very significant.
The above is a small series to introduce to you about the use of gas generators in the process of fuel saving skills, hope to help you! For more highlights, please pay attention to: http://www.pp198.cn
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Generators are not unfamiliar to us. They are commonly used in many fields of life. With the continuous development of economy, there are more and more types of generators, among which gas generators are favored by people. So what are the fuel saving skills in the process of using gas generators? Now let Jinan jichai give you a detailed introduction.
(1) Use fuel-saving smoke reducer. Fix the fuel economizer and smoke reducer vertically in the front oil circuit of the fuel injection pump, and connect the DC power supply. In Weichai diesel engine, the smoke is reduced significantly. It can not only reduce environmental pollution, but also save about 5% oil.
(2) Install inertia supercharger. When the inertia supercharger is installed on the diesel engine, the power can be increased by 15% and the fuel consumption can be reduced by 3% ~ 5%.
(3) Wrap toilet paper on the filter element. Wrapping 2-3 layers of toilet paper with strong adsorption on the filter element of diesel engine oil can improve the cleanliness of oil and reduce fuel consumption.
(4) add foam plastic air filter element. In the two layers of air filter, a layer of 8~20mm thick foam plastic with good permeability can improve the filtration effect, keep the oil burning normally and reduce the fuel consumption.
(5) The oil return pipe is diverted. By connecting the oil return pipe of diesel engine to the high-pressure oil pipe, the oil return can enter the low-pressure oil circuit, which can ensure the normal combustion, and the fuel saving effect is very significant.
The above is a small series to introduce to you about the use of gas generators in the process of fuel saving skills, hope to help you! For more highlights, please pay attention to: http://www.pp198.cn
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