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返回 2021.08.27 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
燃?xì)獍l(fā)電機(jī)是一種以液化氣、天然氣等可燃?xì)怏w為燃燒物,代替汽油、柴油作為發(fā)動機(jī)動力的新型,高 效的新能源發(fā)電機(jī)。是對于相對資源較匱乏的地區(qū)的較優(yōu)良選擇,比汽油、柴油等更清潔,污染相對較小。是目前環(huán)保理念下的可持續(xù)發(fā)展行業(yè)。
Gas generator is a new and efficient new energy generator, which uses combustible gases such as liquefied gas and natural gas as combustion materials and replaces gasoline and diesel as engine power. It is an excellent choice for areas with relatively scarce resources. It is cleaner than gasoline and diesel, and the pollution is relatively small. It is a sustainable development industry under the concept of environmental protection.
Gas generators have the advantages of wide output power range, reliable start-up and operation, good power generation quality, light weight, small volume, simple maintenance and low low-frequency noise. Generally, they have the following advantages:
1、 Good power generation quality
Because the generator only rotates during operation, the electric regulation reaction speed is fast, the operation is particularly stable, the accuracy of generator output voltage and frequency is high, and the fluctuation is small. When suddenly adding air and reducing 50% and 75% load, the unit is very stable. It is better than the electrical performance index of diesel generator set.
Gas generator
2、 Low noise and vibration
Because the gas turbine is rotating at high speed, its vibration is very small, and the low-frequency noise is lower than that of diesel generator set.
3、 Good startup performance and high startup success rate
The time from successful cold start to full load is only 30 seconds, while the international regulations stipulate that the diesel generator will be loaded 3 minutes after successful start. The gas turbine generator set can ensure the success rate of startup under any ambient temperature and climate.
4、 The combustible gas used is clean and cheap energy
Such as: gas, Platycodon grandiflorum gas, biogas, etc. the generator set fueled by them not only has reliable operation and low cost, but also can turn waste into treasure without pollution.
The development of gas generator industry drives the progress of clean energy application, and the gradual optimization of production technology makes the production performance of gas generator better, adapt to the changing market demand, and promote the development of energy conservation and emission reduction.
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燃?xì)獍l(fā)電機(jī)是一種以液化氣、天然氣等可燃?xì)怏w為燃燒物,代替汽油、柴油作為發(fā)動機(jī)動力的新型,高 效的新能源發(fā)電機(jī)。是對于相對資源較匱乏的地區(qū)的較優(yōu)良選擇,比汽油、柴油等更清潔,污染相對較小。是目前環(huán)保理念下的可持續(xù)發(fā)展行業(yè)。
Gas generator is a new and efficient new energy generator, which uses combustible gases such as liquefied gas and natural gas as combustion materials and replaces gasoline and diesel as engine power. It is an excellent choice for areas with relatively scarce resources. It is cleaner than gasoline and diesel, and the pollution is relatively small. It is a sustainable development industry under the concept of environmental protection.
Gas generators have the advantages of wide output power range, reliable start-up and operation, good power generation quality, light weight, small volume, simple maintenance and low low-frequency noise. Generally, they have the following advantages:
1、 Good power generation quality
Because the generator only rotates during operation, the electric regulation reaction speed is fast, the operation is particularly stable, the accuracy of generator output voltage and frequency is high, and the fluctuation is small. When suddenly adding air and reducing 50% and 75% load, the unit is very stable. It is better than the electrical performance index of diesel generator set.
Gas generator
2、 Low noise and vibration
Because the gas turbine is rotating at high speed, its vibration is very small, and the low-frequency noise is lower than that of diesel generator set.
3、 Good startup performance and high startup success rate
The time from successful cold start to full load is only 30 seconds, while the international regulations stipulate that the diesel generator will be loaded 3 minutes after successful start. The gas turbine generator set can ensure the success rate of startup under any ambient temperature and climate.
4、 The combustible gas used is clean and cheap energy
Such as: gas, Platycodon grandiflorum gas, biogas, etc. the generator set fueled by them not only has reliable operation and low cost, but also can turn waste into treasure without pollution.
The development of gas generator industry drives the progress of clean energy application, and the gradual optimization of production technology makes the production performance of gas generator better, adapt to the changing market demand, and promote the development of energy conservation and emission reduction.
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