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返回 2022.03.16 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
Noise is a sound harmful to human health. It will interfere with work efficiency, make people upset and distracted, especially affect difficult work or highly skilled work, hinder communication and early warning signals, and cause accidents.
The generator set not only facilitates people's travel, but also directly affects people's health, work and life due to the noise of the generator set. With the continuous improvement of environmental requirements, how to solve and overcome the above problems has become the key to the application and development of gas-fired generator sets.
In particular: noise is harmful to the operator's hearing. The sudden outbreak of high noise can cause the operator to temporarily lose hearing for several consecutive days.
Frequent exposure to high noise can cause damage to the internal tissues of the ear and cause lasting and incurable hearing loss.
There is no shielded noise near the generator set, and the noise level exceeds the requirements of the factory noise standard. When working near the gas generator set, the operators shall wear sound insulation earmuffs and work clothes.
If the engine room of the generator set is equipped with sound insulation equipment, indoor and outdoor sound can be prevented from being transmitted to the outside, but all personnel working near the unit must wear sound insulation earmuffs.
(1) Mark where acoustic ear muffs are required.
(2) Within the scope of protection, non staff members must be controlled.
(3) Ensure that qualified acoustic ear muffs are provided and used.
(4) Operators shall pay attention to hearing protection when working.
The above is how to overcome the noise of gas generator set. I hope it will help you!
  • 服務(wù)熱線



Noise is a sound harmful to human health. It will interfere with work efficiency, make people upset and distracted, especially affect difficult work or highly skilled work, hinder communication and early warning signals, and cause accidents.
The generator set not only facilitates people's travel, but also directly affects people's health, work and life due to the noise of the generator set. With the continuous improvement of environmental requirements, how to solve and overcome the above problems has become the key to the application and development of gas-fired generator sets.
In particular: noise is harmful to the operator's hearing. The sudden outbreak of high noise can cause the operator to temporarily lose hearing for several consecutive days.
Frequent exposure to high noise can cause damage to the internal tissues of the ear and cause lasting and incurable hearing loss.
There is no shielded noise near the generator set, and the noise level exceeds the requirements of the factory noise standard. When working near the gas generator set, the operators shall wear sound insulation earmuffs and work clothes.
If the engine room of the generator set is equipped with sound insulation equipment, indoor and outdoor sound can be prevented from being transmitted to the outside, but all personnel working near the unit must wear sound insulation earmuffs.
(1) Mark where acoustic ear muffs are required.
(2) Within the scope of protection, non staff members must be controlled.
(3) Ensure that qualified acoustic ear muffs are provided and used.
(4) Operators shall pay attention to hearing protection when working.
The above is how to overcome the noise of gas generator set. I hope it will help you!
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