



返回 2022.04.20 來(lái)源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
  For a long time to use the generator set to work, problems are inevitable, the important thing is how to find the cause of the problem and how to deal with it, many users said that their equipment recently appeared too low oil pressure phenomenon, what is going on?
  If the generator set the temperature of the cooling fluid medium to remain at a high temperature during operation, oil will lead to lower viscosity, leading to low oil pressure, oil pressure failure sensor or sensor signal of short circuit may also result in low oil pressure, and other factors that lead to generating set low oil pressure, such as oil change oil change filter at the same time, not according to stipulations Later use of the oil filter blockage, resulting in insufficient oil supply, oil level is too low, the viscosity of the lubricating oil does not meet the operating environment requirements of the generator set. And so on, are the factors that lead to the phenomenon of low oil pressure of the generator set.
  So how do you do that? If low oil pressure alarm occurs during the operation of the generator set, it should be stopped immediately. After stopping, check the dipstick scale first to ensure that the oil level is at L and H of the dipstick after stopping for five minutes, and the oil level close to H is the full oil level. If insufficient, the same type of oil should be added to the specified full oil level in time. If the coolant temperature of the generator set is found to be too high, the machine should be shut down immediately and the corresponding method should be adopted to ensure that the coolant temperature is kept within the specified temperature value.
  Check the oil filter of the generator set. If the oil filter is found to be blocked, it should be replaced in time. In addition, when changing oil, the oil filter should be replaced at the same time to prevent blockage and cause machine failure. Before starting the generator set for the first time, check whether the oil filter is blocked and replace it immediately if necessary. Check whether the viscosity of generator oil meets the standard. Viscosity is too low, timely replacement of qualified oil to meet the requirements.
  Gas generator set if there is a similar problem, also want to look for the reason to do first, if you can't check the reason, please ask professional maintenance engineers find and troubleshooting, don't go free disassembly check again, very easy to cause the damage to the equipment, then if severe, may produce certain danger to operating personnel, so be careful.
  How to deal with the phenomenon of low oil pressure in the generator set? The above is the answer to the problem, if you want to know more about the relevant matters, might as well click on the website www.pp198.cn directly contact us, professionals do the answer for you!
  • 服務(wù)熱線



  For a long time to use the generator set to work, problems are inevitable, the important thing is how to find the cause of the problem and how to deal with it, many users said that their equipment recently appeared too low oil pressure phenomenon, what is going on?
  If the generator set the temperature of the cooling fluid medium to remain at a high temperature during operation, oil will lead to lower viscosity, leading to low oil pressure, oil pressure failure sensor or sensor signal of short circuit may also result in low oil pressure, and other factors that lead to generating set low oil pressure, such as oil change oil change filter at the same time, not according to stipulations Later use of the oil filter blockage, resulting in insufficient oil supply, oil level is too low, the viscosity of the lubricating oil does not meet the operating environment requirements of the generator set. And so on, are the factors that lead to the phenomenon of low oil pressure of the generator set.
  So how do you do that? If low oil pressure alarm occurs during the operation of the generator set, it should be stopped immediately. After stopping, check the dipstick scale first to ensure that the oil level is at L and H of the dipstick after stopping for five minutes, and the oil level close to H is the full oil level. If insufficient, the same type of oil should be added to the specified full oil level in time. If the coolant temperature of the generator set is found to be too high, the machine should be shut down immediately and the corresponding method should be adopted to ensure that the coolant temperature is kept within the specified temperature value.
  Check the oil filter of the generator set. If the oil filter is found to be blocked, it should be replaced in time. In addition, when changing oil, the oil filter should be replaced at the same time to prevent blockage and cause machine failure. Before starting the generator set for the first time, check whether the oil filter is blocked and replace it immediately if necessary. Check whether the viscosity of generator oil meets the standard. Viscosity is too low, timely replacement of qualified oil to meet the requirements.
  Gas generator set if there is a similar problem, also want to look for the reason to do first, if you can't check the reason, please ask professional maintenance engineers find and troubleshooting, don't go free disassembly check again, very easy to cause the damage to the equipment, then if severe, may produce certain danger to operating personnel, so be careful.
  How to deal with the phenomenon of low oil pressure in the generator set? The above is the answer to the problem, if you want to know more about the relevant matters, might as well click on the website www.pp198.cn directly contact us, professionals do the answer for you!
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