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返回 2022.06.08 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
Requirements for gas of gas generator unit: within 1m from gas inlet valve of gas generator unit
1. Gas temperature ≤ 40c:
2. Gas pressure 3~20kpa, pressure change rate ≤ 1kpa/min:
4. For gas with CH4 volume content ≤ 30%, the sum of CH4 and 02 volume content ≥ 28%, and 02 volume content ≥ 16%:
5. Moisture content in gas ≤ 40mg/nm;
6. Impurity particle size ≤ 5um, impurity content ≤ 30mg/nm:
If the combustible gas contains high sulfur content, it will not only seriously corrode the spark plug electrode, but also increase the acid value in the engine oil, corrode the sediment generated in the unit, and increase the wear and corrosion to the engine.
Gas refers to a kind of unconventional natural gas (its main component is methane) stored in coal seams. It is a kind of harmful gas emitted automatically in the process of coal mining. Among the coal mine accidents in China, it has high utilization value, so it is called "the second coal resource"
The development and utilization of gas has multiple effects, such as protecting the global environment, improving coal mine safety and increasing new energy. In order to make rational use of gas and change harm into use, the gas engine is equipped with a generator set, which not only solves the pollution of exhaust gas to the atmospheric environment, but also recovers the green gas.
Using gas to generate electricity is an economic and effective way to turn waste into treasure. Moreover, China is rich in coal-bed methane resources, with gas resources of about 35 trillion cubic meters, which is equivalent to natural gas resources, and has great market development prospects. The machine can use gas (mine gas) and coalbed methane as fuel, as well as biogas, natural gas and other gas as fuel. It can be configured into a generator set or others to encourage output and meet the requirements of different customers.
This is the relevant content of the gas generator set's requirements for gas. You can follow our website www.huannengpower Com for more information!
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Requirements for gas of gas generator unit: within 1m from gas inlet valve of gas generator unit
1. Gas temperature ≤ 40c:
2. Gas pressure 3~20kpa, pressure change rate ≤ 1kpa/min:
4. For gas with CH4 volume content ≤ 30%, the sum of CH4 and 02 volume content ≥ 28%, and 02 volume content ≥ 16%:
5. Moisture content in gas ≤ 40mg/nm;
6. Impurity particle size ≤ 5um, impurity content ≤ 30mg/nm:
If the combustible gas contains high sulfur content, it will not only seriously corrode the spark plug electrode, but also increase the acid value in the engine oil, corrode the sediment generated in the unit, and increase the wear and corrosion to the engine.
Gas refers to a kind of unconventional natural gas (its main component is methane) stored in coal seams. It is a kind of harmful gas emitted automatically in the process of coal mining. Among the coal mine accidents in China, it has high utilization value, so it is called "the second coal resource"
The development and utilization of gas has multiple effects, such as protecting the global environment, improving coal mine safety and increasing new energy. In order to make rational use of gas and change harm into use, the gas engine is equipped with a generator set, which not only solves the pollution of exhaust gas to the atmospheric environment, but also recovers the green gas.
Using gas to generate electricity is an economic and effective way to turn waste into treasure. Moreover, China is rich in coal-bed methane resources, with gas resources of about 35 trillion cubic meters, which is equivalent to natural gas resources, and has great market development prospects. The machine can use gas (mine gas) and coalbed methane as fuel, as well as biogas, natural gas and other gas as fuel. It can be configured into a generator set or others to encourage output and meet the requirements of different customers.
This is the relevant content of the gas generator set's requirements for gas. You can follow our website www.huannengpower Com for more information!
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