



返回 2022.06.20 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
The gas generator set system is a whole set of equipment integrating gas, heat, machinery and electricity. Using the waste gas of the coal mine for power generation can not only turn waste into treasure, meet some power requirements of the coal mine, but also reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve the safety factor of the coal mine. However, subject to the changes of gas source and operating environment, gas generators often have faults during operation. These faults can be mainly divided into:
1. Gas source failure: the concentration and flow of gas are too low, the gas flow is blocked due to the blockage of gas-liquid separator and dry flame arrester on the gas transmission pipeline, and the gas leakage of the transmission pipeline. The phenomenon of insufficient gas supply of the unit is collectively referred to as gas source failure.
2. Unit fault: the unit fault mainly includes the damage of unit body parts. Such as oil leakage of lubrication system, damage of inlet valve and exhaust valve, etc.
3. Electrical fault: electrical fault mainly includes ignition system failure, low voltage, poor connection of secondary line, switch damage, etc.
Among the above three types of faults, the unit fault is particularly prominent, accounting for about 70% of the total faults, and the consequences are serious after the fault occurs. Therefore, the real-time monitoring of the unit fault is of great significance to the early warning of the fault. The invention designs a multi characteristic quantity acquisition system for common startup faults in unit faults, and realizes the diagnosis of generator unit startup faults in cooperation with the criterion theory.
The manufacturer of gas generator set believes that the starting system fault is mainly caused by the following reasons:
1. Whether the starting solenoid valve is in good condition, and whether the current and voltage are normal. Due to the small wiring space in the solenoid valve, it is easy to cause wire breakage during wiring, and it is not easy to be found. After a period of operation, the solenoid valve cannot be started due to poor contact caused by oxidation of wires or terminals;
2. Whether the compressed air pressure is normal, and whether there is water, impurities and dirt in the air screen, which causes the main starting valve to be blocked and cannot be opened;
3. Whether the air distributor works well. Due to the large vibration and dirty oil during the operation of the unit, the sliding block edge in the air distributor is easy to be worn, resulting in loose sealing and air leakage. At this time, the unit can not be started due to insufficient starting pressure.
The above is the relevant content about the problem shared for you today. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more, you can contact us by phone or follow our website http://www.pp198.cn 。
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The gas generator set system is a whole set of equipment integrating gas, heat, machinery and electricity. Using the waste gas of the coal mine for power generation can not only turn waste into treasure, meet some power requirements of the coal mine, but also reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve the safety factor of the coal mine. However, subject to the changes of gas source and operating environment, gas generators often have faults during operation. These faults can be mainly divided into:
1. Gas source failure: the concentration and flow of gas are too low, the gas flow is blocked due to the blockage of gas-liquid separator and dry flame arrester on the gas transmission pipeline, and the gas leakage of the transmission pipeline. The phenomenon of insufficient gas supply of the unit is collectively referred to as gas source failure.
2. Unit fault: the unit fault mainly includes the damage of unit body parts. Such as oil leakage of lubrication system, damage of inlet valve and exhaust valve, etc.
3. Electrical fault: electrical fault mainly includes ignition system failure, low voltage, poor connection of secondary line, switch damage, etc.
Among the above three types of faults, the unit fault is particularly prominent, accounting for about 70% of the total faults, and the consequences are serious after the fault occurs. Therefore, the real-time monitoring of the unit fault is of great significance to the early warning of the fault. The invention designs a multi characteristic quantity acquisition system for common startup faults in unit faults, and realizes the diagnosis of generator unit startup faults in cooperation with the criterion theory.
The manufacturer of gas generator set believes that the starting system fault is mainly caused by the following reasons:
1. Whether the starting solenoid valve is in good condition, and whether the current and voltage are normal. Due to the small wiring space in the solenoid valve, it is easy to cause wire breakage during wiring, and it is not easy to be found. After a period of operation, the solenoid valve cannot be started due to poor contact caused by oxidation of wires or terminals;
2. Whether the compressed air pressure is normal, and whether there is water, impurities and dirt in the air screen, which causes the main starting valve to be blocked and cannot be opened;
3. Whether the air distributor works well. Due to the large vibration and dirty oil during the operation of the unit, the sliding block edge in the air distributor is easy to be worn, resulting in loose sealing and air leakage. At this time, the unit can not be started due to insufficient starting pressure.
The above is the relevant content about the problem shared for you today. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more, you can contact us by phone or follow our website http://www.pp198.cn 。
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