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返回 2023.11.30 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
Biogas power generation technology is a new energy comprehensive utilization technology that integrates environmental protection and energy conservation. It utilizes a large amount of organic waste in industry, agriculture, or urban life (such as distiller's grains, livestock manure, urban garbage, kitchen waste, and various industrial organic wastewater), and produces biogas through anaerobic fermentation treatment to drive the biogas generator unit to generate electricity, and can fully utilize the waste heat of the generator unit for biogas production.
The thermal efficiency of biogas cogeneration projects varies greatly depending on the type of power generation equipment used. For example, if a gas internal combustion engine is used, its thermal efficiency ranges from 70% to 75%. However, if a gas turbine and waste heat boiler are used, the thermal efficiency can reach over 90% with supplementary combustion.
The biogas power generation technology itself provides clean energy, which not only solves environmental problems in biogas engineering, consumes a large amount of waste, protects the environment, and reduces greenhouse gas emissions, but also turns waste into treasure, generating a large amount of heat and electricity, in line with the environmental protection concept of energy recycling and utilization, and also brings huge economic benefits:
1、受環(huán)境限制小。沼氣發(fā)電機組的規(guī)模比較小,對場地的要求不高,只要有沼氣產(chǎn)生的地方基本上都可以進(jìn)行發(fā)電。不像水電一定建立在水力資源豐富的地方,而且還要考慮電站對周圍生 態(tài)環(huán)境的影響;太陽能發(fā)電要建在日照時間長且比較偏僻的地方,因為太陽能發(fā)電要占用大量的土地,一定考慮項目的經(jīng)濟性。
1. Limited by the environment. The scale of biogas generators is relatively small, and the requirements for the site are not high. As long as there is a place where biogas is generated, it can basically generate electricity. Unlike hydropower, which is always built in areas with abundant hydraulic resources, and also takes into account the impact of power stations on the surrounding ecological environment; Solar power generation should be built in remote areas with long sunshine hours, as it requires a large amount of land and must consider the economic viability of the project.
2. Renewable, with less pollution. Using biogas for power generation, there is no need to worry about depletion. According to statistics, by the end of 2002, the world's remaining proven oil reserves were 140.704 billion tons. According to the world's proven fossil energy reserves, oil can be used for another 40-50 years, natural gas can be used for another 60-70 years, and coal can last for about 225 years. It can be seen that the days when fossil fuels are gone are not far away. The lifespan of biomass energy represented by biogas is almost infinite, as long as the sun exists, biogas will also exist.
3. The source of raw materials is extensive. The main combustion component of biogas generators is methane, which is produced by anaerobic digestion of organic matter by methane producing bacteria. So as long as organic matter is present and suitable environmental conditions are in place, methane will be generated. For example, human and animal manure, organic industrial wastewater, landfills, crop straw, kitchen waste, etc. can all be used as raw materials for biogas production. In the future, with the development of animal husbandry and industrial enterprises, the production of biogas will continue to increase
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Biogas power generation technology is a new energy comprehensive utilization technology that integrates environmental protection and energy conservation. It utilizes a large amount of organic waste in industry, agriculture, or urban life (such as distiller's grains, livestock manure, urban garbage, kitchen waste, and various industrial organic wastewater), and produces biogas through anaerobic fermentation treatment to drive the biogas generator unit to generate electricity, and can fully utilize the waste heat of the generator unit for biogas production.
The thermal efficiency of biogas cogeneration projects varies greatly depending on the type of power generation equipment used. For example, if a gas internal combustion engine is used, its thermal efficiency ranges from 70% to 75%. However, if a gas turbine and waste heat boiler are used, the thermal efficiency can reach over 90% with supplementary combustion.
The biogas power generation technology itself provides clean energy, which not only solves environmental problems in biogas engineering, consumes a large amount of waste, protects the environment, and reduces greenhouse gas emissions, but also turns waste into treasure, generating a large amount of heat and electricity, in line with the environmental protection concept of energy recycling and utilization, and also brings huge economic benefits:
1、受環(huán)境限制小。沼氣發(fā)電機組的規(guī)模比較小,對場地的要求不高,只要有沼氣產(chǎn)生的地方基本上都可以進(jìn)行發(fā)電。不像水電一定建立在水力資源豐富的地方,而且還要考慮電站對周圍生 態(tài)環(huán)境的影響;太陽能發(fā)電要建在日照時間長且比較偏僻的地方,因為太陽能發(fā)電要占用大量的土地,一定考慮項目的經(jīng)濟性。
1. Limited by the environment. The scale of biogas generators is relatively small, and the requirements for the site are not high. As long as there is a place where biogas is generated, it can basically generate electricity. Unlike hydropower, which is always built in areas with abundant hydraulic resources, and also takes into account the impact of power stations on the surrounding ecological environment; Solar power generation should be built in remote areas with long sunshine hours, as it requires a large amount of land and must consider the economic viability of the project.
2. Renewable, with less pollution. Using biogas for power generation, there is no need to worry about depletion. According to statistics, by the end of 2002, the world's remaining proven oil reserves were 140.704 billion tons. According to the world's proven fossil energy reserves, oil can be used for another 40-50 years, natural gas can be used for another 60-70 years, and coal can last for about 225 years. It can be seen that the days when fossil fuels are gone are not far away. The lifespan of biomass energy represented by biogas is almost infinite, as long as the sun exists, biogas will also exist.
3. The source of raw materials is extensive. The main combustion component of biogas generators is methane, which is produced by anaerobic digestion of organic matter by methane producing bacteria. So as long as organic matter is present and suitable environmental conditions are in place, methane will be generated. For example, human and animal manure, organic industrial wastewater, landfills, crop straw, kitchen waste, etc. can all be used as raw materials for biogas production. In the future, with the development of animal husbandry and industrial enterprises, the production of biogas will continue to increase
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