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返回 2021.07.30 來(lái)源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
What are some matters needing attention when the gas generator unit is shut down at 600kW? Users often think that shutdown is not a button problem, so they often ignore the precautions for unit shutdown. Jichai Huanneng introduces the matters needing attention when the gas generator unit is shut down at 600 kW.
1. Uninstall:
Before the gas generator unit is shut down at 600kW, the load shall be removed first.
2. Idle operation:
Operate at the rated speed for several minutes. After initial cooling, place the idle / rated change-over switch in the "idle" position to make the unit operate at idle speed and reduce its water and oil temperature.
3. Cut off the air supply:
When the "water temperature" of the unit drops below 60 ℃, close the manual gas valve. The remaining gas can keep the unit running for 1 or 2 minutes. After the gas is exhausted, the unit will shut down automatically.
be careful:
For the unit equipped with supercharger, when the water temperature and oil temperature drop to 60 ℃, it is not allowed to turn off the gas and stop the machine. It shall run no-load for another 5 minutes to further cool the supercharger. Otherwise, the supercharger will leak oil.
4. After shutdown, turn off the key on the control panel.
5. In addition to flying cars or accidents such as flammable gas in the workplace, it is strictly prohibited to shut down with load under normal circumstances.
6. If long-term sealing is required after shutdown, the cooling water and engine oil of the unit shall be drained, the surface of the unit shall be cleaned, and the sealing oil shall be applied to relevant parts to avoid corrosion of parts.
7. Emergency stop. The 600 kW gas-fired generator set in normal operation, which is not shut down according to the normal shutdown steps, belongs to emergency shutdown. There are two main situations:
(1) The generator set will alarm and shut down automatically due to overspeed and low oil pressure.
(2) In case of emergency endangering personal and equipment stability during use, the power generation operator shall press the "emergency stop" button to stop the unit manually. Treatment measures for emergency shutdown: cut off the power supply, manually turn the crankshaft with turning tools, and pump oil with manual motor oil pump at the same time. After the water temperature and oil temperature of the unit drop below 60 ℃, carry out inspection and treatment.
  • 服務(wù)熱線



What are some matters needing attention when the gas generator unit is shut down at 600kW? Users often think that shutdown is not a button problem, so they often ignore the precautions for unit shutdown. Jichai Huanneng introduces the matters needing attention when the gas generator unit is shut down at 600 kW.
1. Uninstall:
Before the gas generator unit is shut down at 600kW, the load shall be removed first.
2. Idle operation:
Operate at the rated speed for several minutes. After initial cooling, place the idle / rated change-over switch in the "idle" position to make the unit operate at idle speed and reduce its water and oil temperature.
3. Cut off the air supply:
When the "water temperature" of the unit drops below 60 ℃, close the manual gas valve. The remaining gas can keep the unit running for 1 or 2 minutes. After the gas is exhausted, the unit will shut down automatically.
be careful:
For the unit equipped with supercharger, when the water temperature and oil temperature drop to 60 ℃, it is not allowed to turn off the gas and stop the machine. It shall run no-load for another 5 minutes to further cool the supercharger. Otherwise, the supercharger will leak oil.
4. After shutdown, turn off the key on the control panel.
5. In addition to flying cars or accidents such as flammable gas in the workplace, it is strictly prohibited to shut down with load under normal circumstances.
6. If long-term sealing is required after shutdown, the cooling water and engine oil of the unit shall be drained, the surface of the unit shall be cleaned, and the sealing oil shall be applied to relevant parts to avoid corrosion of parts.
7. Emergency stop. The 600 kW gas-fired generator set in normal operation, which is not shut down according to the normal shutdown steps, belongs to emergency shutdown. There are two main situations:
(1) The generator set will alarm and shut down automatically due to overspeed and low oil pressure.
(2) In case of emergency endangering personal and equipment stability during use, the power generation operator shall press the "emergency stop" button to stop the unit manually. Treatment measures for emergency shutdown: cut off the power supply, manually turn the crankshaft with turning tools, and pump oil with manual motor oil pump at the same time. After the water temperature and oil temperature of the unit drop below 60 ℃, carry out inspection and treatment.
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