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返回 2021.08.13 來(lái)源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
Customers often say that the generator set will not work after a period of time, and the generator is easy to break down. In fact, under normal circumstances, if it is equipped with a generator with sufficient copper power, it will not break down. Only the diesel engine may have problems. However, many users do not pay attention to the wiring mode of their generator set, resulting in three-phase imbalance of coking generator set, In this way, over time, the generator set is prone to problems. So, what is three-phase imbalance?
Since the electricity output by the coking generator set is three-phase and four wire, that is, the output current of the three wires is generally about large. If there is a large difference, there will be imbalance. At this time, the following situations will occur:
1. The output power of the generator set decreases and fails to meet the power requirements of the user
2. The three-phase voltage is asymmetric, causing the neutral point potential of the generator set to shift
3. If the neutral current is too large, the operating temperature of the distribution transformer will rise, and the transformer will be burned out in serious cases
4. Make some phase voltages higher and the other phase voltages lower
5. Burn out the generator and affect the normal power supply
Therefore, attention must be paid to the three-phase imbalance during the use of coking generator set. If there is no way to change its output power, only the wiring mode can be changed frequently to prevent damage to the generator set
  • 服務(wù)熱線



Customers often say that the generator set will not work after a period of time, and the generator is easy to break down. In fact, under normal circumstances, if it is equipped with a generator with sufficient copper power, it will not break down. Only the diesel engine may have problems. However, many users do not pay attention to the wiring mode of their generator set, resulting in three-phase imbalance of coking generator set, In this way, over time, the generator set is prone to problems. So, what is three-phase imbalance?
Since the electricity output by the coking generator set is three-phase and four wire, that is, the output current of the three wires is generally about large. If there is a large difference, there will be imbalance. At this time, the following situations will occur:
1. The output power of the generator set decreases and fails to meet the power requirements of the user
2. The three-phase voltage is asymmetric, causing the neutral point potential of the generator set to shift
3. If the neutral current is too large, the operating temperature of the distribution transformer will rise, and the transformer will be burned out in serious cases
4. Make some phase voltages higher and the other phase voltages lower
5. Burn out the generator and affect the normal power supply
Therefore, attention must be paid to the three-phase imbalance during the use of coking generator set. If there is no way to change its output power, only the wiring mode can be changed frequently to prevent damage to the generator set
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