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返回 2021.11.10 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
1. The abnormal operation of the fuel injector, such as poor atomization, oil dripping, too high or too low injection pressure, too early or too late injection time and too much injection volume, will make some fuel burn incompletely.
2. Serious oil channeling;
3. Serious air leakage;
4. The cooling water temperature is too low, which affects the normal combustion of fuel;
5. The grade of diesel oil and engine oil is wrong, the quality is poor, and carbon residue is formed after combustion;
6. The diesel engine is overloaded or the temperature is too high, and the ignition is premature, resulting in incomplete fuel combustion.
Most users have never heard of the word "carbon deposition of diesel generator set" and do not know what it is. For technicians, they must know the concept of carbon deposition in diesel generator sets and the causes of this phenomenon, and also know how to deal with and solve this problem.
The so-called diesel generator carbon deposition is actually the product of incomplete combustion of diesel and engine oil entering the combustion chamber. Carbon deposition is a common phenomenon on the top of diesel engine piston, combustion chamber wall and around valve. A large amount of carbon deposition will have a certain impact on the performance of diesel generator set. Its final performance is to make poor combustion, deteriorate heat transfer and reduce the working reliability of fuel injector.
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1. The abnormal operation of the fuel injector, such as poor atomization, oil dripping, too high or too low injection pressure, too early or too late injection time and too much injection volume, will make some fuel burn incompletely.
2. Serious oil channeling;
3. Serious air leakage;
4. The cooling water temperature is too low, which affects the normal combustion of fuel;
5. The grade of diesel oil and engine oil is wrong, the quality is poor, and carbon residue is formed after combustion;
6. The diesel engine is overloaded or the temperature is too high, and the ignition is premature, resulting in incomplete fuel combustion.
Most users have never heard of the word "carbon deposition of diesel generator set" and do not know what it is. For technicians, they must know the concept of carbon deposition in diesel generator sets and the causes of this phenomenon, and also know how to deal with and solve this problem.
The so-called diesel generator carbon deposition is actually the product of incomplete combustion of diesel and engine oil entering the combustion chamber. Carbon deposition is a common phenomenon on the top of diesel engine piston, combustion chamber wall and around valve. A large amount of carbon deposition will have a certain impact on the performance of diesel generator set. Its final performance is to make poor combustion, deteriorate heat transfer and reduce the working reliability of fuel injector.
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