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許多朋友想購買發(fā)電機(jī)組,一般更多問的問題是,多少錢?實(shí)際上這也是多數(shù)人關(guān)心的問題,下面我們來談?wù)劧嗌馘X的問題。實(shí)際上,設(shè)備的功率取決于多少 kw。
Many friends want to buy a generator set, the most commonly asked question is, how much? And that's actually what most people care about, so let's talk about how much money. In practice, the power of the device depends on how many kW.
我公司以800 kw燃?xì)獍l(fā)電機(jī)組為例:800 kw發(fā)電機(jī)組是大功率機(jī)組,這么大功率的機(jī)組價(jià)格肯定也不低,但具體看機(jī)組的配置和品牌。設(shè)備配置要注意是否有移動拖車、靜音音箱等自選配置。當(dāng)單位品牌和單位配置相同時(shí),單位功率越大,價(jià)格越高。型號800 kw的發(fā)電機(jī)不同,單位配置相同的價(jià)格也不一樣,具體要看到底怎么樣。影響價(jià)格的因素很多,受機(jī)組自身功率、品牌及配置的影響。
Our company takes 800 KW gas generator set as an example: 800 KW generator set is a high-power unit. The price of such a high-power unit is certainly not low, but the specific configuration and brand of the unit. Equipment configuration pay attention to whether there is a mobile trailer, mute speakers and other optional configuration. When the unit brand and unit configuration are the same, the higher the unit power, the higher the price. Model 800 KW generator is different, the price of the same unit configuration is also different, specific to see how the bottom. There are many factors affecting the price, which are affected by the unit's own power, brand and configuration.
Second, generators are divided into domestic generators, joint venture generators and imported generators. Sorted by market price: domestic < joint venture < import. So when users choose generators to consider the brand, domestic or imported.
Second, the power is large, the more expensive the power is, because the gas generator set and ancillary equipment will be more expensive. Therefore, in theory, the more expensive the power of the same brand is. Due to the different specifications of the generator and structure, there will be exceptions to the different control methods.
Plus: configuration discretion, configuration basically has a lot of parts such as engine, generator, radiator, switch, filter, muffler, battery, same as computer, configuration is taller, the price is more expensive also.

In a word, gas generator set is also brand, distribution, power, different brands, power, configuration price is not the same.
  • 服務(wù)熱線



許多朋友想購買發(fā)電機(jī)組,一般更多問的問題是,多少錢?實(shí)際上這也是多數(shù)人關(guān)心的問題,下面我們來談?wù)劧嗌馘X的問題。實(shí)際上,設(shè)備的功率取決于多少 kw。
Many friends want to buy a generator set, the most commonly asked question is, how much? And that's actually what most people care about, so let's talk about how much money. In practice, the power of the device depends on how many kW.
我公司以800 kw燃?xì)獍l(fā)電機(jī)組為例:800 kw發(fā)電機(jī)組是大功率機(jī)組,這么大功率的機(jī)組價(jià)格肯定也不低,但具體看機(jī)組的配置和品牌。設(shè)備配置要注意是否有移動拖車、靜音音箱等自選配置。當(dāng)單位品牌和單位配置相同時(shí),單位功率越大,價(jià)格越高。型號800 kw的發(fā)電機(jī)不同,單位配置相同的價(jià)格也不一樣,具體要看到底怎么樣。影響價(jià)格的因素很多,受機(jī)組自身功率、品牌及配置的影響。
Our company takes 800 KW gas generator set as an example: 800 KW generator set is a high-power unit. The price of such a high-power unit is certainly not low, but the specific configuration and brand of the unit. Equipment configuration pay attention to whether there is a mobile trailer, mute speakers and other optional configuration. When the unit brand and unit configuration are the same, the higher the unit power, the higher the price. Model 800 KW generator is different, the price of the same unit configuration is also different, specific to see how the bottom. There are many factors affecting the price, which are affected by the unit's own power, brand and configuration.
Second, generators are divided into domestic generators, joint venture generators and imported generators. Sorted by market price: domestic < joint venture < import. So when users choose generators to consider the brand, domestic or imported.
Second, the power is large, the more expensive the power is, because the gas generator set and ancillary equipment will be more expensive. Therefore, in theory, the more expensive the power of the same brand is. Due to the different specifications of the generator and structure, there will be exceptions to the different control methods.
Plus: configuration discretion, configuration basically has a lot of parts such as engine, generator, radiator, switch, filter, muffler, battery, same as computer, configuration is taller, the price is more expensive also.

In a word, gas generator set is also brand, distribution, power, different brands, power, configuration price is not the same.
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