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返回 2022.02.22 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
Here is a detailed introduction to the factors affecting the service life of the generator: if we choose to use the biogas generator set with environmentally friendly fuel, we need correct operation and daily maintenance to help prolong the service life and not hinder the normal use.
1. Cleanliness of working environment, such as dust; It is easy to block the air filter element and the engine radiator, resulting in high temperature of the engine;
2. Engine service time, overload and fatigue work, resulting in excessive wear of engine parts;
3. The temperature of the engine suddenly increases the throttle, and the lubrication system does not work normally, which is easy to cause rapid wear of engine parts;
4. The quality of lubricating oil cannot meet the working needs of the engine, resulting in early wear of the engine;
5. The purity of the fuel is easy to cause carbon deposition and burning of the nozzle, carbon deposition on the top of the piston, carbon deposition on the valve seat ring, poor sealing of the engine combustion system, degradation of power performance, etc
6. The degree of daily maintenance shall be recorded according to the normal maintenance, which can help to prolong the service time and protect the normal use of the generator of the biogas generator set.
  • 服務(wù)熱線



Here is a detailed introduction to the factors affecting the service life of the generator: if we choose to use the biogas generator set with environmentally friendly fuel, we need correct operation and daily maintenance to help prolong the service life and not hinder the normal use.
1. Cleanliness of working environment, such as dust; It is easy to block the air filter element and the engine radiator, resulting in high temperature of the engine;
2. Engine service time, overload and fatigue work, resulting in excessive wear of engine parts;
3. The temperature of the engine suddenly increases the throttle, and the lubrication system does not work normally, which is easy to cause rapid wear of engine parts;
4. The quality of lubricating oil cannot meet the working needs of the engine, resulting in early wear of the engine;
5. The purity of the fuel is easy to cause carbon deposition and burning of the nozzle, carbon deposition on the top of the piston, carbon deposition on the valve seat ring, poor sealing of the engine combustion system, degradation of power performance, etc
6. The degree of daily maintenance shall be recorded according to the normal maintenance, which can help to prolong the service time and protect the normal use of the generator of the biogas generator set.
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