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返回 2022.06.18 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
The comprehensive utilization of heat energy of gas generating units is mainly from three aspects: power supply, heating and bathing, and air conditioning and refrigeration in summer. The following factors shall be fully considered in the design process of comprehensive utilization:
The utilization shall avoid having a great impact on the performance of the gas generator set, that is, it shall not affect the normal operation and power output of the gas generator set;
The distance between the exhaust main pipe and the waste heat utilization system shall be as short as possible, and the heat insulation of the exhaust pipe shall be fully considered to reduce the heat loss from the exhaust outlet of the gas generator unit to the heat pipe waste heat boiler;
It is necessary to consider the impact on waste heat power generation, waste heat refrigeration and heating caused by load change of gas generator unit, so as to avoid excessive refrigeration (or heating) or insufficient capacity due to load change;
Considering the large control range of the whole process, many items, difficult operation and other factors, the whole system should implement electrical automatic control and monitoring as far as possible;
The whole system shall fully consider the safety of maintenance operation and use.
In addition, the maintenance knowledge of gas generator needs to be fully understood, so that it can be used more smoothly in the future.
1. The personnel responsible for generator maintenance shall carefully observe and conduct relevant operation and maintenance in accordance with the safe operation and maintenance manual of gas generator.
2. External inspection shall be carried out in a timely manner for the installation of various accessories of the gas machine, the degree of stability, and the degree of wear of foundation bolts and working machinery to ensure the reliability.
3. Observe and check all instruments in time to ensure that the readings are normal, and repair and replace them in case of failure.
4. Check the water, oil and gas conditions in time, deal with the oil leakage and water leakage on the sealing surface of oil and water pipe joints in time, eliminate the air leakage of exhaust pipe, cylinder head gasket and turbocharger in time, and solve the problem from the root.
The above is the relevant content about the problem shared for you today. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more, you can contact us by phone or follow our website http://www.pp198.cn 。
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The comprehensive utilization of heat energy of gas generating units is mainly from three aspects: power supply, heating and bathing, and air conditioning and refrigeration in summer. The following factors shall be fully considered in the design process of comprehensive utilization:
The utilization shall avoid having a great impact on the performance of the gas generator set, that is, it shall not affect the normal operation and power output of the gas generator set;
The distance between the exhaust main pipe and the waste heat utilization system shall be as short as possible, and the heat insulation of the exhaust pipe shall be fully considered to reduce the heat loss from the exhaust outlet of the gas generator unit to the heat pipe waste heat boiler;
It is necessary to consider the impact on waste heat power generation, waste heat refrigeration and heating caused by load change of gas generator unit, so as to avoid excessive refrigeration (or heating) or insufficient capacity due to load change;
Considering the large control range of the whole process, many items, difficult operation and other factors, the whole system should implement electrical automatic control and monitoring as far as possible;
The whole system shall fully consider the safety of maintenance operation and use.
In addition, the maintenance knowledge of gas generator needs to be fully understood, so that it can be used more smoothly in the future.
1. The personnel responsible for generator maintenance shall carefully observe and conduct relevant operation and maintenance in accordance with the safe operation and maintenance manual of gas generator.
2. External inspection shall be carried out in a timely manner for the installation of various accessories of the gas machine, the degree of stability, and the degree of wear of foundation bolts and working machinery to ensure the reliability.
3. Observe and check all instruments in time to ensure that the readings are normal, and repair and replace them in case of failure.
4. Check the water, oil and gas conditions in time, deal with the oil leakage and water leakage on the sealing surface of oil and water pipe joints in time, eliminate the air leakage of exhaust pipe, cylinder head gasket and turbocharger in time, and solve the problem from the root.
The above is the relevant content about the problem shared for you today. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more, you can contact us by phone or follow our website http://www.pp198.cn 。
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