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返回 2020.03.02 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0

  Pay attention to the maintenance when using the gas generator set. Some vulnerable parts need to be replaced regularly, especially the belt and other accessories. When should they be replaced? The following is a detailed introduction to you.


        The belt of gas generator unit needs to be replaced after being used for a period of time. At the same time, CNP can provide you with original accessories, making future use more convenient. In general, we will ignore some details, but these details may cause you to have some faults in future use, if not handled in time, it may cause the diesel generator to shut down.


  Usually, when the machine cracks, we need to replace the belt. When there are cracks in the conveyor belt, core fracture and slot crack, the length of the conveyor belt will become longer, the transmission will fail, and the fan speed will be too slow. In the daily inspection, we need to check whether there is a gap between the belt and the fan, whether there is a crack in the base, and whether there is wear on the side of the belt. Whenever these situations occur, we need to import and replace them.

  以上是燃?xì)獍l(fā)電機(jī)組生產(chǎn)廠家為大家介紹的相關(guān)內(nèi)容,想要了解更多內(nèi)容,歡迎訪問網(wǎng)站:http://www.pp198.cnThe above is the relevant content introduced by the gas generator manufacturer for you. To learn more, please visit the website: http://www.pp198.cn


  • 服務(wù)熱線




  Pay attention to the maintenance when using the gas generator set. Some vulnerable parts need to be replaced regularly, especially the belt and other accessories. When should they be replaced? The following is a detailed introduction to you.


        The belt of gas generator unit needs to be replaced after being used for a period of time. At the same time, CNP can provide you with original accessories, making future use more convenient. In general, we will ignore some details, but these details may cause you to have some faults in future use, if not handled in time, it may cause the diesel generator to shut down.


  Usually, when the machine cracks, we need to replace the belt. When there are cracks in the conveyor belt, core fracture and slot crack, the length of the conveyor belt will become longer, the transmission will fail, and the fan speed will be too slow. In the daily inspection, we need to check whether there is a gap between the belt and the fan, whether there is a crack in the base, and whether there is wear on the side of the belt. Whenever these situations occur, we need to import and replace them.

  以上是燃?xì)獍l(fā)電機(jī)組生產(chǎn)廠家為大家介紹的相關(guān)內(nèi)容,想要了解更多內(nèi)容,歡迎訪問網(wǎng)站:http://www.pp198.cnThe above is the relevant content introduced by the gas generator manufacturer for you. To learn more, please visit the website: http://www.pp198.cn


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