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返回 2020.03.02 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0

  Battery plays a very important role in the use of the car. If it can not work normally, the engine and the car's electrical system will have problems. So car owners usually take good care of it to avoid the dilemma that the engine can't start or the car suddenly stalls in the middle. In fact, every time the car owner checks the engine, it only takes one to two minutes to maintain the battery.


  Here are some battery maintenance suggestions:


  1. Wipe the dust, oil stain and white powder on the outside of battery, panel and pile head (i.e. both positive and negative ends) with a wet cloth to clean them. Therefore, if the storage battery is often scrubbed, the pile head of the storage battery will not accumulate white acid washing powder, and its service life will be longer.

  2. 打開電瓶和水蓋,看看水位是否在正常位置。一般來說,電瓶的側(cè)面有上限和下限供你參考。如果水位低于下標,則必須加入蒸餾水。如果沒有蒸餾水,可以在緊急情況下過濾自來水。不要加太多的水。標準是把它加到行中間。

  2. Open the battery and water cover to see if the water level is in the normal position. Generally speaking, there are upper and lower limits on the side of the battery for your reference. If the water level is below the subscript, distilled water must be added. If distilled water is not available, tap water can be filtered in an emergency. Don't add too much water. The standard is to add it to the middle of the line.


  3. Check whether the battery is charged properly. If you have three meters, after starting the engine, measure the voltage at the battery terminals. It must be over 13V to be normal. If you find that the charging voltage is too low, you need to ask a professional to repair the charging system. If you don't have a three meter meter meter, you can use the visual method: after starting the engine, open the battery with a water cover to see if there are bubbles in each small battery. The normal state is that bubbles emerge. The more oil they get, the more oil they get; if you do not see bubbles, there may be a problem with the charging system. During the test, pay special attention to the generated hydrogen, and do not smoke during the test to avoid explosion and fire.


  以上是瓦斯發(fā)電機組生產(chǎn)廠家為大家介紹的相關(guān)內(nèi)容,想要了解更多內(nèi)容,歡迎訪問網(wǎng)站:http://www.pp198.cnThe above is the relevant content introduced by the manufacturer of gas generator set. For more information, please visit the website: http://www.pp198.cn

  • 服務(wù)熱線




  Battery plays a very important role in the use of the car. If it can not work normally, the engine and the car's electrical system will have problems. So car owners usually take good care of it to avoid the dilemma that the engine can't start or the car suddenly stalls in the middle. In fact, every time the car owner checks the engine, it only takes one to two minutes to maintain the battery.


  Here are some battery maintenance suggestions:


  1. Wipe the dust, oil stain and white powder on the outside of battery, panel and pile head (i.e. both positive and negative ends) with a wet cloth to clean them. Therefore, if the storage battery is often scrubbed, the pile head of the storage battery will not accumulate white acid washing powder, and its service life will be longer.

  2. 打開電瓶和水蓋,看看水位是否在正常位置。一般來說,電瓶的側(cè)面有上限和下限供你參考。如果水位低于下標,則必須加入蒸餾水。如果沒有蒸餾水,可以在緊急情況下過濾自來水。不要加太多的水。標準是把它加到行中間。

  2. Open the battery and water cover to see if the water level is in the normal position. Generally speaking, there are upper and lower limits on the side of the battery for your reference. If the water level is below the subscript, distilled water must be added. If distilled water is not available, tap water can be filtered in an emergency. Don't add too much water. The standard is to add it to the middle of the line.


  3. Check whether the battery is charged properly. If you have three meters, after starting the engine, measure the voltage at the battery terminals. It must be over 13V to be normal. If you find that the charging voltage is too low, you need to ask a professional to repair the charging system. If you don't have a three meter meter meter, you can use the visual method: after starting the engine, open the battery with a water cover to see if there are bubbles in each small battery. The normal state is that bubbles emerge. The more oil they get, the more oil they get; if you do not see bubbles, there may be a problem with the charging system. During the test, pay special attention to the generated hydrogen, and do not smoke during the test to avoid explosion and fire.


  以上是瓦斯發(fā)電機組生產(chǎn)廠家為大家介紹的相關(guān)內(nèi)容,想要了解更多內(nèi)容,歡迎訪問網(wǎng)站:http://www.pp198.cnThe above is the relevant content introduced by the manufacturer of gas generator set. For more information, please visit the website: http://www.pp198.cn

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