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返回 2020.03.03 來(lái)源:http://www.pp198.cn 0

  In the low temperature environment, the problem of poor sealing of gas generator cylinder has been puzzling the majority of users. Today, the generator set manufacturer is here to teach you how to deal with the air tightness of the cylinder gasket of the generator set.


  When the generator set is cold started, especially in the cold winter, due to the small amount of oil in the piston ring and cylinder wall and the poor sealing effect, the generator set will not be able to operate on the fire due to repeated start-up.


  Sometimes, the cylinder wear of the generator set seriously affects the sealing performance of the generator set, which increases the starting difficulty of the generator set. Therefore, the generator manufacturer suggests to remove the fuel injector and add 30 ~ 40ml oil to each cylinder to improve the sealing performance of the cylinder and increase the pressure during compression.


  After the introduction of gas generator set manufacturer, now you should know how to deal with the problem of low seal cylinder. The company specializes in the sales, leasing and maintenance of natural gas generating units and biogas generating units, and carries out complete power generation projects.


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  In the low temperature environment, the problem of poor sealing of gas generator cylinder has been puzzling the majority of users. Today, the generator set manufacturer is here to teach you how to deal with the air tightness of the cylinder gasket of the generator set.


  When the generator set is cold started, especially in the cold winter, due to the small amount of oil in the piston ring and cylinder wall and the poor sealing effect, the generator set will not be able to operate on the fire due to repeated start-up.


  Sometimes, the cylinder wear of the generator set seriously affects the sealing performance of the generator set, which increases the starting difficulty of the generator set. Therefore, the generator manufacturer suggests to remove the fuel injector and add 30 ~ 40ml oil to each cylinder to improve the sealing performance of the cylinder and increase the pressure during compression.


  After the introduction of gas generator set manufacturer, now you should know how to deal with the problem of low seal cylinder. The company specializes in the sales, leasing and maintenance of natural gas generating units and biogas generating units, and carries out complete power generation projects.


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