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According to the requirements of the engine for biogas, installing a treatment system in front of the biogas engine to solve the contradiction between the gas source side and the gas consumption side is a useful method to solve the utilization problem of biogas generator set at present. How can we avoid the influence of biogas factors on the generator set during the production of biogas generator?
Biogas Generator Set 
1. Reduce the relative humidity of gas
Considering the specific situation, water removal is simply divided into condensate removal and non condensate removal. The former can be realized by steam water separator, and the latter is more complex. At present, there are mainly the following ways:
Low temperature dehumidification: reduce the temperature of gas through refrigeration equipment to condense the water vapor, and then discharge the system; Adsorption: the adsorbent with strong adsorption on water is used to analyze the water in the gas; Membrane filtration: membrane material with special structure is used to separate water from gas under specific conditions.
2. Reduce the content of gas impurities
The impurities in the gas are complex components. Since they are used for the engine, the judgment of impurities is mainly based on the requirements of the engine, mainly including the following:
(1) Sulfur removal: the removal of sulfide dominated by hydrogen sulfide mainly includes physical, chemical and biological methods. Among them, physical method mainly refers to physical adsorption desulfurization, which is easy to operate, but often requires large equipment, and the adsorbent needs to be regenerated. Chemical method refers to the solidification of sulfur by chemical reaction. At present, there are dry method and wet method. The difference is mainly whether the physical form of reactants is solid or liquid. Biological desulfurization is a relatively new way at present. Its main principle is to cultivate appropriate bacteria in the reaction tank. These bacteria use sulfide as nutrient to fix the sulfur. For the gas with low sulfur content, physical adsorption or dry desulfurization is generally economical and practical, and the operation is simple.
(2) Removal of dust (particulate matter):
通常采用過(guò)濾的方式將顆粒物限制在一定的范圍內(nèi)。另外,某些顆粒可以在吸附的環(huán)節(jié)去除掉,為達(dá)到較好的去除效果,一般對(duì)氣體中的顆粒物分級(jí)處理,設(shè)置不同精度的過(guò)濾器,逐級(jí)將顆粒物處理到系統(tǒng)的要求,這樣不僅可以降低精 密過(guò)濾的成本,也可以增加系統(tǒng)運(yùn)行的可靠性。
Filtration is usually used to limit particulate matter to a certain range. In addition, some particles can be removed in the process of adsorption. In order to achieve better removal effect, the particles in the gas are generally treated by stages, and filters with different accuracy are set to treat the particles to the requirements of the system step by step, which can not only reduce the cost of precision filtration, but also increase the reliability of system operation.
These operations use external means to better match the composition of biogas with the operating performance of biogas generator set, improve the quality of mechanical production, reduce the wear of machinery during production, and realize the maximization of benefits. I believe this is also the common pursuit of many mechanical power generation manufacturers.
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According to the requirements of the engine for biogas, installing a treatment system in front of the biogas engine to solve the contradiction between the gas source side and the gas consumption side is a useful method to solve the utilization problem of biogas generator set at present. How can we avoid the influence of biogas factors on the generator set during the production of biogas generator?
Biogas Generator Set 
1. Reduce the relative humidity of gas
Considering the specific situation, water removal is simply divided into condensate removal and non condensate removal. The former can be realized by steam water separator, and the latter is more complex. At present, there are mainly the following ways:
Low temperature dehumidification: reduce the temperature of gas through refrigeration equipment to condense the water vapor, and then discharge the system; Adsorption: the adsorbent with strong adsorption on water is used to analyze the water in the gas; Membrane filtration: membrane material with special structure is used to separate water from gas under specific conditions.
2. Reduce the content of gas impurities
The impurities in the gas are complex components. Since they are used for the engine, the judgment of impurities is mainly based on the requirements of the engine, mainly including the following:
(1) Sulfur removal: the removal of sulfide dominated by hydrogen sulfide mainly includes physical, chemical and biological methods. Among them, physical method mainly refers to physical adsorption desulfurization, which is easy to operate, but often requires large equipment, and the adsorbent needs to be regenerated. Chemical method refers to the solidification of sulfur by chemical reaction. At present, there are dry method and wet method. The difference is mainly whether the physical form of reactants is solid or liquid. Biological desulfurization is a relatively new way at present. Its main principle is to cultivate appropriate bacteria in the reaction tank. These bacteria use sulfide as nutrient to fix the sulfur. For the gas with low sulfur content, physical adsorption or dry desulfurization is generally economical and practical, and the operation is simple.
(2) Removal of dust (particulate matter):
通常采用過(guò)濾的方式將顆粒物限制在一定的范圍內(nèi)。另外,某些顆??梢栽谖降沫h(huán)節(jié)去除掉,為達(dá)到較好的去除效果,一般對(duì)氣體中的顆粒物分級(jí)處理,設(shè)置不同精度的過(guò)濾器,逐級(jí)將顆粒物處理到系統(tǒng)的要求,這樣不僅可以降低精 密過(guò)濾的成本,也可以增加系統(tǒng)運(yùn)行的可靠性。
Filtration is usually used to limit particulate matter to a certain range. In addition, some particles can be removed in the process of adsorption. In order to achieve better removal effect, the particles in the gas are generally treated by stages, and filters with different accuracy are set to treat the particles to the requirements of the system step by step, which can not only reduce the cost of precision filtration, but also increase the reliability of system operation.
These operations use external means to better match the composition of biogas with the operating performance of biogas generator set, improve the quality of mechanical production, reduce the wear of machinery during production, and realize the maximization of benefits. I believe this is also the common pursuit of many mechanical power generation manufacturers.
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