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返回 2021.10.08 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
The power generation efficiency of gas generator set is usually between 30% - 40%, and the common model can generally reach 35%. The outstanding advantages of gas-fired internal combustion engine are relatively high power generation efficiency, followed by high equipment integration, fast installation, low requirements for dust in the gas, basically no water, and low cost per kilowatt of equipment.
However, the internal combustion engine also has some deficiencies. First, when the internal combustion engine burns low calorific value fuel, the output of the unit decreases significantly. When a 500 kW gas-fired internal combustion generator unit burning 8000 kcal / m3 natural gas fuel with low calorific value uses 4000 kcal / m3 coking gas, the output may drop to about 350 ~ 400KW.
In addition, the internal combustion engine needs to change the engine oil and spark plug frequently, which consumes a large amount of materials, and also affects the two main equipment utilization indexes of equipment availability and reliability, which has a great impact on the equipment utilization rate. Sometimes, we have to increase the number of generator sets to eliminate the impact of low utilization rate. Internal combustion engine equipment is sensitive to water molecular content and hydrogen sulfide in coking gas, which may lead to sulfuric acid corrosion of hydrogen sulfide and water. Some necessary measures need to be taken to overcome it.
Gas turbines are more suitable for inferior fuels with high hydrogen content, low calorific value and high gas impurities. Some gas turbines even use crude oil and high sulfur residue fuel. The power generation efficiency of gas turbine itself is not very high, generally between 30% ~ 35%, but the temperature of waste heat flue gas is as high as 450 ~ 550 ℃, which can recover heat energy again through waste heat boiler, convert steam, drive steam turbine to generate electricity again, and form gas turbine steam turbine combined cycle power generation, and the power generation efficiency can reach 45% ~ 50%, Some large units can even exceed 55%.
There are many advantages of using gas turbine. First, the availability and reliability of the equipment are relatively high, and the comprehensive utilization rate can generally be maintained at 90%; Secondly, it has strong adaptability to fuel, and there is no problem with high sulfur and dust content; In addition, the power generation output generally does not decrease, even increases due to the increase of fuel intake; In addition, the gas turbine has large power density and small volume, which is more suitable for re movement and easy to transfer the operation site, which is very beneficial to the utilization of coking gas in coking plant projects with some uncertainties.
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The power generation efficiency of gas generator set is usually between 30% - 40%, and the common model can generally reach 35%. The outstanding advantages of gas-fired internal combustion engine are relatively high power generation efficiency, followed by high equipment integration, fast installation, low requirements for dust in the gas, basically no water, and low cost per kilowatt of equipment.
However, the internal combustion engine also has some deficiencies. First, when the internal combustion engine burns low calorific value fuel, the output of the unit decreases significantly. When a 500 kW gas-fired internal combustion generator unit burning 8000 kcal / m3 natural gas fuel with low calorific value uses 4000 kcal / m3 coking gas, the output may drop to about 350 ~ 400KW.
In addition, the internal combustion engine needs to change the engine oil and spark plug frequently, which consumes a large amount of materials, and also affects the two main equipment utilization indexes of equipment availability and reliability, which has a great impact on the equipment utilization rate. Sometimes, we have to increase the number of generator sets to eliminate the impact of low utilization rate. Internal combustion engine equipment is sensitive to water molecular content and hydrogen sulfide in coking gas, which may lead to sulfuric acid corrosion of hydrogen sulfide and water. Some necessary measures need to be taken to overcome it.
Gas turbines are more suitable for inferior fuels with high hydrogen content, low calorific value and high gas impurities. Some gas turbines even use crude oil and high sulfur residue fuel. The power generation efficiency of gas turbine itself is not very high, generally between 30% ~ 35%, but the temperature of waste heat flue gas is as high as 450 ~ 550 ℃, which can recover heat energy again through waste heat boiler, convert steam, drive steam turbine to generate electricity again, and form gas turbine steam turbine combined cycle power generation, and the power generation efficiency can reach 45% ~ 50%, Some large units can even exceed 55%.
There are many advantages of using gas turbine. First, the availability and reliability of the equipment are relatively high, and the comprehensive utilization rate can generally be maintained at 90%; Secondly, it has strong adaptability to fuel, and there is no problem with high sulfur and dust content; In addition, the power generation output generally does not decrease, even increases due to the increase of fuel intake; In addition, the gas turbine has large power density and small volume, which is more suitable for re movement and easy to transfer the operation site, which is very beneficial to the utilization of coking gas in coking plant projects with some uncertainties.
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