



返回 2022.12.06 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
Gas turbine generator is a common generator at present, which will emit exhaust gas in the process of use. How to deal with the exhaust gas? Today, I will give you a detailed explanation of the exhaust gas treatment methods and requirements of gas generator units.
Treatment of tail gas of gas generator unit
1. Wet water treatment: the tail gas is filtered directly with water, which is relatively simple among various treatment methods, but the treatment effect is poor;
2. Dry black smoke removal treatment: the main treatment method is to select the corresponding purification device according to the emission of the gas generator unit, but as mentioned above, it can only remove black smoke;
3. Dry treatment of harmful substances: filter CO, HC, NOx, SO2 and other harmful substances in the tail gas to reach the national emission standard. This is an effective way to deal with various tail gas treatment methods, and solve the tail gas emission from the essence of the problem
Requirements for tail gas treatment of gas generator unit
1. The design and construction of gas generator tail gas treatment project shall not only comply with this technical specification, but also comply with the provisions of the current national mandatory standards.
2. The treatment scale and process of the gas generator tail gas treatment project shall be determined according to the type, concentration and treatment requirements of the gas pollutants in the tail gas of the gas generator of the enterprise, so as to protect the environment, be economical, reasonable and technically reliable.
3. The selection of treatment engineering technical scheme shall comply with the requirements of the approval document of the environmental impact assessment report, and the tail gas of the gas generator after treatment shall stably meet the relevant national and local emission standards.
The treatment methods and requirements for tail gas of gas generator set will be explained here. If you have any needs, you can come to us at any time http://www.pp198.cn Ask about it!
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Gas turbine generator is a common generator at present, which will emit exhaust gas in the process of use. How to deal with the exhaust gas? Today, I will give you a detailed explanation of the exhaust gas treatment methods and requirements of gas generator units.
Treatment of tail gas of gas generator unit
1. Wet water treatment: the tail gas is filtered directly with water, which is relatively simple among various treatment methods, but the treatment effect is poor;
2. Dry black smoke removal treatment: the main treatment method is to select the corresponding purification device according to the emission of the gas generator unit, but as mentioned above, it can only remove black smoke;
3. Dry treatment of harmful substances: filter CO, HC, NOx, SO2 and other harmful substances in the tail gas to reach the national emission standard. This is an effective way to deal with various tail gas treatment methods, and solve the tail gas emission from the essence of the problem
Requirements for tail gas treatment of gas generator unit
1. The design and construction of gas generator tail gas treatment project shall not only comply with this technical specification, but also comply with the provisions of the current national mandatory standards.
2. The treatment scale and process of the gas generator tail gas treatment project shall be determined according to the type, concentration and treatment requirements of the gas pollutants in the tail gas of the gas generator of the enterprise, so as to protect the environment, be economical, reasonable and technically reliable.
3. The selection of treatment engineering technical scheme shall comply with the requirements of the approval document of the environmental impact assessment report, and the tail gas of the gas generator after treatment shall stably meet the relevant national and local emission standards.
The treatment methods and requirements for tail gas of gas generator set will be explained here. If you have any needs, you can come to us at any time http://www.pp198.cn Ask about it!
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