



返回 2022.12.17 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
The electrical protection of gas generator sets generally includes overload, high-frequency and low-frequency, differential, grounding, excitation fault, etc. The protection configurations of different manufacturers are different. Today we mainly talk about the electrical protection setting and transmission test of gas generator sets.
During the test, refer to the technical documents of the gas turbine electrical protection device, check the contents of the setting sheet item by item, and set the CT transformation ratio, PT transformation ratio, current and voltage values and various protection parameters at each side of the unit generator in the protection module.
During commissioning, relay protection tester shall be used to conduct corresponding simulated fault test on the protection module to make the protection operate reliably. Check the action of indicator light on each plug-in panel and the output of outlet relay. Use a multimeter to check whether all tripping outlet contacts of the protection act correctly at the terminal. Check the interlocking action of external interlocking contacts.
Generally, the interlocking actions of the high-voltage switch at the outlet of the interlocking trip, the input and vent valve of the gas pretreatment system, the boiler system in the plant area, etc. after the generator protection action should be mainly checked.
Verify the accuracy and reliability of the logic actions of each system. During the test, it shall be noted that the polarity of the output contact of the tripping outlet relay shall match the polarity of the external circuit DC power supply.
During the test, the general person in charge of commissioning shall be responsible for power transmission, gas transmission and other work to ensure orderly coordination of all systems. Special commissioning personnel shall participate in the inspection, handover and acceptance of work at each stage of commissioning.
In case of gas leakage during the test of gas generator set, it is strictly forbidden to repair and fasten the leakage point with iron tools under the running state. The gas in the equipment or pipeline shall be drained after shutdown. At the same time, smoking is strictly prohibited in the power plant area, non explosion proof equipment is strictly prohibited, and hot welding is strictly prohibited. More relevant content will come to our website http://www.pp198.cn Leave a message for consultation!
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The electrical protection of gas generator sets generally includes overload, high-frequency and low-frequency, differential, grounding, excitation fault, etc. The protection configurations of different manufacturers are different. Today we mainly talk about the electrical protection setting and transmission test of gas generator sets.
During the test, refer to the technical documents of the gas turbine electrical protection device, check the contents of the setting sheet item by item, and set the CT transformation ratio, PT transformation ratio, current and voltage values and various protection parameters at each side of the unit generator in the protection module.
During commissioning, relay protection tester shall be used to conduct corresponding simulated fault test on the protection module to make the protection operate reliably. Check the action of indicator light on each plug-in panel and the output of outlet relay. Use a multimeter to check whether all tripping outlet contacts of the protection act correctly at the terminal. Check the interlocking action of external interlocking contacts.
Generally, the interlocking actions of the high-voltage switch at the outlet of the interlocking trip, the input and vent valve of the gas pretreatment system, the boiler system in the plant area, etc. after the generator protection action should be mainly checked.
Verify the accuracy and reliability of the logic actions of each system. During the test, it shall be noted that the polarity of the output contact of the tripping outlet relay shall match the polarity of the external circuit DC power supply.
During the test, the general person in charge of commissioning shall be responsible for power transmission, gas transmission and other work to ensure orderly coordination of all systems. Special commissioning personnel shall participate in the inspection, handover and acceptance of work at each stage of commissioning.
In case of gas leakage during the test of gas generator set, it is strictly forbidden to repair and fasten the leakage point with iron tools under the running state. The gas in the equipment or pipeline shall be drained after shutdown. At the same time, smoking is strictly prohibited in the power plant area, non explosion proof equipment is strictly prohibited, and hot welding is strictly prohibited. More relevant content will come to our website http://www.pp198.cn Leave a message for consultation!
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