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返回 2020.04.09 來(lái)源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
  The stinking faeces become "shampoo". The pig farm uses the waste from the biogas generator set as the treasure! The biogas generator set enters a pig farm. The manager of the farm said that pig manure caused a lot of troubles, not only difficult to deal with, but also polluted the environment. After the customer learned the benefits of biogas generator set to pig farm, he chose biogas generator set.
  Selection of biogas generator set in pig farm
  Biogas power generation in pig farm: electricity fee 0.21 yuan
  There are more than 2000 pigs in the flower ball, which produce about 6 tons of feces every day. It can produce 350-400 cubic meters of methane (more than 60 percent of methane). It can reduce the cost of rural electricity by calculating the cost of electricity of about 20%. The power generation per cubic meter of biogas is 1.6-1.8 degrees. A 30 kilowatt generator consumes about 15 cubic meters of natural gas per hour, 360 cubic meters of natural gas for 24 hours, and generates about 576 degrees of electricity per day.
  Multi power biogas generator set is selected in pig farm, which is related to the amount of breeding, electricity consumption and gas production of biogas digester. According to the technicians, their customers have more than 5000 pig farms in this field, and the 120-150 kW generating units are selling well.
  The above is the relevant content introduced by the biogas generator set manufacturer. For more information, please visit the website: http://www.pp198.cn
  • 服務(wù)熱線



  The stinking faeces become "shampoo". The pig farm uses the waste from the biogas generator set as the treasure! The biogas generator set enters a pig farm. The manager of the farm said that pig manure caused a lot of troubles, not only difficult to deal with, but also polluted the environment. After the customer learned the benefits of biogas generator set to pig farm, he chose biogas generator set.
  Selection of biogas generator set in pig farm
  Biogas power generation in pig farm: electricity fee 0.21 yuan
  There are more than 2000 pigs in the flower ball, which produce about 6 tons of feces every day. It can produce 350-400 cubic meters of methane (more than 60 percent of methane). It can reduce the cost of rural electricity by calculating the cost of electricity of about 20%. The power generation per cubic meter of biogas is 1.6-1.8 degrees. A 30 kilowatt generator consumes about 15 cubic meters of natural gas per hour, 360 cubic meters of natural gas for 24 hours, and generates about 576 degrees of electricity per day.
  Multi power biogas generator set is selected in pig farm, which is related to the amount of breeding, electricity consumption and gas production of biogas digester. According to the technicians, their customers have more than 5000 pig farms in this field, and the 120-150 kW generating units are selling well.
  The above is the relevant content introduced by the biogas generator set manufacturer. For more information, please visit the website: http://www.pp198.cn
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