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返回 2021.02.20 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
Maintenance of generator set is inevitable. Let's briefly introduce the maintenance method.
1. The chemical method is generally used to remove the scale. Add the chemical solution to the coolant, and then change the coolant after the engine works for a certain time. The commonly used chemical solutions for scale removal include caustic soda solution or hydrochloric acid solution, sodium fluoride hydrochloric acid detergent and phosphoric acid detergent. Phosphoric acid detergent is suitable for scale removal on aluminum alloy parts.
2. When the oil deposition on the surface of oil cleaning parts is thick, it should be scraped off first. Generally, parts should be cleaned of oil stains in hot cleaning solution. The commonly used cleaning solutions are alkaline cleaning solution and synthetic cleaning solution. When using alkaline cleaning solution for hot cleaning, heat to 70 ~ 90 ℃, immerse the parts for 10 ~ 15min, then take them out and rinse them with clean water, and then blow dry with compressed air.
Note: it is not safe to use gasoline for cleaning; aluminum alloy parts cannot be cleaned in strong alkaline cleaning fluid; non metallic rubber parts should be cleaned with alcohol or brake fluid
3. Carbon deposit cleaning can use simple mechanical conditions, that is, metal brush or scraper to remove carbon deposit, but this method is not easy to remove carbon deposit, and easy to damage the surface of parts. The chemical method is used to remove the carbon deposit, that is, first use the carbon remover (chemical solution) to heat to 80 ~ 90 ℃, expand and soften the carbon deposit on the parts, and then use the brush to remove it.
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Maintenance of generator set is inevitable. Let's briefly introduce the maintenance method.
1. The chemical method is generally used to remove the scale. Add the chemical solution to the coolant, and then change the coolant after the engine works for a certain time. The commonly used chemical solutions for scale removal include caustic soda solution or hydrochloric acid solution, sodium fluoride hydrochloric acid detergent and phosphoric acid detergent. Phosphoric acid detergent is suitable for scale removal on aluminum alloy parts.
2. When the oil deposition on the surface of oil cleaning parts is thick, it should be scraped off first. Generally, parts should be cleaned of oil stains in hot cleaning solution. The commonly used cleaning solutions are alkaline cleaning solution and synthetic cleaning solution. When using alkaline cleaning solution for hot cleaning, heat to 70 ~ 90 ℃, immerse the parts for 10 ~ 15min, then take them out and rinse them with clean water, and then blow dry with compressed air.
Note: it is not safe to use gasoline for cleaning; aluminum alloy parts cannot be cleaned in strong alkaline cleaning fluid; non metallic rubber parts should be cleaned with alcohol or brake fluid
3. Carbon deposit cleaning can use simple mechanical conditions, that is, metal brush or scraper to remove carbon deposit, but this method is not easy to remove carbon deposit, and easy to damage the surface of parts. The chemical method is used to remove the carbon deposit, that is, first use the carbon remover (chemical solution) to heat to 80 ~ 90 ℃, expand and soften the carbon deposit on the parts, and then use the brush to remove it.
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