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返回 2021.02.26 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
Straw power generation is one of the main ways to optimize the utilization of straw, and it is a kind of biomass gas power generation. Straw is a good clean and renewable energy. The calorific value of every two tons of straw is equivalent to one ton of standard coal, and its average sulfur content is only 3.8%, while the average sulfur content of coal is up to 1%. In the process of biomass recycling, the emission of CO2 is closely related to biomass regeneration It is of great significance to alleviate and ultimately solve the problem of greenhouse effect.
Straw power generation is generally divided into fuel preparation stage and conveying stage. The straw treatment production line before entering the fuel bunker is the fuel preparation stage, and the stage from the fuel bunker to the furnace is the fuel conveying stage.
1. Process flow in fuel preparation stage
Straw through the belt conveyor line (feeding) - > chopper (rough processing) - > hammer mill (fine processing) - > cyclone separator (separation of chopped straw and dust, straw into the bin) - > bag filter (dust recovery, gas emission)
2. Process flow of fuel delivery stage
The straw is driven by a transverse discharge screw conveyor driven by a frequency conversion motor, which is arranged in the lower plane of the fuel bunker, and then sent to a longitudinal screw conveyor. The fuel from the longitudinal screw conveyor enters the screw valve at the discharge port. Through the primary air fan, the fuel from the lower outlet of the fuel bunker is pneumatically sent to the burner for combustion.
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Straw power generation is one of the main ways to optimize the utilization of straw, and it is a kind of biomass gas power generation. Straw is a good clean and renewable energy. The calorific value of every two tons of straw is equivalent to one ton of standard coal, and its average sulfur content is only 3.8%, while the average sulfur content of coal is up to 1%. In the process of biomass recycling, the emission of CO2 is closely related to biomass regeneration It is of great significance to alleviate and ultimately solve the problem of greenhouse effect.
Straw power generation is generally divided into fuel preparation stage and conveying stage. The straw treatment production line before entering the fuel bunker is the fuel preparation stage, and the stage from the fuel bunker to the furnace is the fuel conveying stage.
1. Process flow in fuel preparation stage
Straw through the belt conveyor line (feeding) - > chopper (rough processing) - > hammer mill (fine processing) - > cyclone separator (separation of chopped straw and dust, straw into the bin) - > bag filter (dust recovery, gas emission)
2. Process flow of fuel delivery stage
The straw is driven by a transverse discharge screw conveyor driven by a frequency conversion motor, which is arranged in the lower plane of the fuel bunker, and then sent to a longitudinal screw conveyor. The fuel from the longitudinal screw conveyor enters the screw valve at the discharge port. Through the primary air fan, the fuel from the lower outlet of the fuel bunker is pneumatically sent to the burner for combustion.
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