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返回 2020.07.27 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
Whether the side knife switch and excitation power switch are all closed. Then check whether there is a build-up excitation power supply, whether the PT fuse is blown, and whether the wiring of the PT circuit is loose.
If all of these are normal, another channel is needed to make excitation. If the excitation can be started normally, it indicates that it is the reason in the channel of the regulator; if the biogas generator set is still unable to start excitation normally, check whether there is grounding or short circuit in the excitation circuit, pulse common circuit, silicon controlled rectifier and rotor circuit.
If the regulator doesn't send out the signal of "excitation failure", but the biogas generator set still can't start excitation automatically, then the excitation can be started near the excitation disk or the remote manual excitation can be started. If the manual excitation cannot be started in the far and near places, it should be checked whether the frequency of the generator set does not reach more than 45Hz.
If the excitation current of the excitation device of the biogas generator has been input into the excitation winding of the generator, but the voltage build-up of the unit is still not successful, it should be considered whether the starting excitation current of the biogas generator is not enough. The starting excitation current limiting resistance can be appropriately adjusted and the starting excitation current can be increased for test and inspection.
Generally speaking, many machines or equipment will produce some sounds when they are running, most of which are generated by the collision between machine parts. But for the diesel generator set, when it is working, sometimes there will be noise. What is the reason for this phenomenon. First of all, noise is due to the interaction between air and objects, resulting in the aerodynamic noise of atmospheric radiation. Aerodynamic noise generally includes intake noise, exhaust noise and cooling fan noise.
Another case is the electromagnetic noise generated by the high-speed rotation of the generator rotor in the electromagnetic field. The other two are combustion noise and mechanical noise, which are very similar, so it is difficult to distinguish them. No matter what is the cause of the noise when the biogas generator set is running, we need to deal with it in time. Professionals say that only in this way can we better use the machine.
  • 服務(wù)熱線



Whether the side knife switch and excitation power switch are all closed. Then check whether there is a build-up excitation power supply, whether the PT fuse is blown, and whether the wiring of the PT circuit is loose.
If all of these are normal, another channel is needed to make excitation. If the excitation can be started normally, it indicates that it is the reason in the channel of the regulator; if the biogas generator set is still unable to start excitation normally, check whether there is grounding or short circuit in the excitation circuit, pulse common circuit, silicon controlled rectifier and rotor circuit.
If the regulator doesn't send out the signal of "excitation failure", but the biogas generator set still can't start excitation automatically, then the excitation can be started near the excitation disk or the remote manual excitation can be started. If the manual excitation cannot be started in the far and near places, it should be checked whether the frequency of the generator set does not reach more than 45Hz.
If the excitation current of the excitation device of the biogas generator has been input into the excitation winding of the generator, but the voltage build-up of the unit is still not successful, it should be considered whether the starting excitation current of the biogas generator is not enough. The starting excitation current limiting resistance can be appropriately adjusted and the starting excitation current can be increased for test and inspection.
Generally speaking, many machines or equipment will produce some sounds when they are running, most of which are generated by the collision between machine parts. But for the diesel generator set, when it is working, sometimes there will be noise. What is the reason for this phenomenon. First of all, noise is due to the interaction between air and objects, resulting in the aerodynamic noise of atmospheric radiation. Aerodynamic noise generally includes intake noise, exhaust noise and cooling fan noise.
Another case is the electromagnetic noise generated by the high-speed rotation of the generator rotor in the electromagnetic field. The other two are combustion noise and mechanical noise, which are very similar, so it is difficult to distinguish them. No matter what is the cause of the noise when the biogas generator set is running, we need to deal with it in time. Professionals say that only in this way can we better use the machine.
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