



返回 2020.12.18 來(lái)源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
1、 Pre start check
1. Check whether the oil level of the diesel generator set is within the marked mark, and it is not enough to add the same type of oil to the marked line.
2. Check whether the coolant is about 6mm below the water tank cover, and it is not enough to add water to the above position.
3. Check whether the electrolyte level is about 15mm above the plate surface, and it is not enough to add distilled water to the above position.
4. Check around the generator and remove the objects that hinder the operation or operation to make the ventilation unobstructed.
5. Make the main switch of diesel generator set in off state.
6. Make the fuel tank more than half of the fuel volume, the fuel supply valve is always open.
2、 Start
1. Make the buttons on the control panel have been reset, and adjust the speed operating handle to the idle position
2. Turn the key to the on position and press the start button to start the diesel generator.
3. Slowly raise the speed regulating handle until the voltage is 400V; when the frequency is 50 Hz, tighten the fixed handle nut, and the generator operates normally.
4. Under normal conditions, the diesel generator is started once or three times. If the diesel generator set fails to start for three times, the fault indicator light on the control panel will be on. At this time, the cause shall be found out and the fault shall be eliminated before starting.
5. After starting the vehicle, check whether there is noise or vibration, oil leakage, water leakage and air leakage, and whether there is abnormal display on the control panel. The oil pressure should reach the normal range ((35 ~ 60p. S.I) within 10 ~ 15 seconds after starting the vehicle. If there is any abnormal situation, corresponding rectification should be made. After normal operation, the main switch of the generator should be closed to start power supply.
3、 Shutdown
1. First pull down the main switch of the generator, let the generator run for 5 minutes without load, then turn the speed control handle to the idle position for 5 minutes, and then turn it to the stop position to stop the diesel generator.
2. If it is necessary to stop in case of emergency, the diesel generator can be shut down by pulling the speed regulating handle to the position where the master switch of generator is not pulled.
  • 服務(wù)熱線



1、 Pre start check
1. Check whether the oil level of the diesel generator set is within the marked mark, and it is not enough to add the same type of oil to the marked line.
2. Check whether the coolant is about 6mm below the water tank cover, and it is not enough to add water to the above position.
3. Check whether the electrolyte level is about 15mm above the plate surface, and it is not enough to add distilled water to the above position.
4. Check around the generator and remove the objects that hinder the operation or operation to make the ventilation unobstructed.
5. Make the main switch of diesel generator set in off state.
6. Make the fuel tank more than half of the fuel volume, the fuel supply valve is always open.
2、 Start
1. Make the buttons on the control panel have been reset, and adjust the speed operating handle to the idle position
2. Turn the key to the on position and press the start button to start the diesel generator.
3. Slowly raise the speed regulating handle until the voltage is 400V; when the frequency is 50 Hz, tighten the fixed handle nut, and the generator operates normally.
4. Under normal conditions, the diesel generator is started once or three times. If the diesel generator set fails to start for three times, the fault indicator light on the control panel will be on. At this time, the cause shall be found out and the fault shall be eliminated before starting.
5. After starting the vehicle, check whether there is noise or vibration, oil leakage, water leakage and air leakage, and whether there is abnormal display on the control panel. The oil pressure should reach the normal range ((35 ~ 60p. S.I) within 10 ~ 15 seconds after starting the vehicle. If there is any abnormal situation, corresponding rectification should be made. After normal operation, the main switch of the generator should be closed to start power supply.
3、 Shutdown
1. First pull down the main switch of the generator, let the generator run for 5 minutes without load, then turn the speed control handle to the idle position for 5 minutes, and then turn it to the stop position to stop the diesel generator.
2. If it is necessary to stop in case of emergency, the diesel generator can be shut down by pulling the speed regulating handle to the position where the master switch of generator is not pulled.
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