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返回 2021.05.20 來(lái)源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
The environmental pollution caused by the rapid economic development awakens people's attention to environmental protection. Gas emission is the source of pollution emission of generator set. In response to the call of environmental protection, many people in the industry have greatly improved the generator design to reduce the emission pollution. Today, jichai will talk about its own views on this issue.
The gas generator unit mainly sends the air filtered by dust and impurities into the cylinder through the air intake system. Therefore, as long as the air intake system is improved and the air quantity is controlled, the air pollution degree after combustion can be effectively controlled. Haixing power believes that the following two methods are feasible:
1. Variable swirl intake system can be used. Because the intake swirl intensity has a great influence on NOx emission, the variable swirl intake system is used to control the swirl intensity according to the change of speed and load, which can reduce the no emission in the operation of the generator without sacrificing the economy. The amount of production.
2. The multi valve technology (usually four valves per cylinder: two inlet valves and two exhaust valves) can enlarge the total flow area of inlet and exhaust valves, increase the charge coefficient, and the injector can be vertically arranged on the cylinder axis, which is conducive to the uniform distribution of fuel in the combustion chamber space, greatly improve the mixture formation and combustion conditions, and make the heat release law more reasonable, In the exhaust emission, NOx emission and CO emission are reduced, and soot emission is also significantly reduced under heavy load.
The above two methods achieve the purpose of controlling pollution emission by improving the technology of gas generator set. For ordinary users who can't do this, the pollution of generator set can still be reduced within the scope of their ability. For example, spray water on the intake pipe or emulsified diesel to promote the combustion of oil, and the harmful gas emitted by fully burned diesel will be reduced.
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The environmental pollution caused by the rapid economic development awakens people's attention to environmental protection. Gas emission is the source of pollution emission of generator set. In response to the call of environmental protection, many people in the industry have greatly improved the generator design to reduce the emission pollution. Today, jichai will talk about its own views on this issue.
The gas generator unit mainly sends the air filtered by dust and impurities into the cylinder through the air intake system. Therefore, as long as the air intake system is improved and the air quantity is controlled, the air pollution degree after combustion can be effectively controlled. Haixing power believes that the following two methods are feasible:
1. Variable swirl intake system can be used. Because the intake swirl intensity has a great influence on NOx emission, the variable swirl intake system is used to control the swirl intensity according to the change of speed and load, which can reduce the no emission in the operation of the generator without sacrificing the economy. The amount of production.
2. The multi valve technology (usually four valves per cylinder: two inlet valves and two exhaust valves) can enlarge the total flow area of inlet and exhaust valves, increase the charge coefficient, and the injector can be vertically arranged on the cylinder axis, which is conducive to the uniform distribution of fuel in the combustion chamber space, greatly improve the mixture formation and combustion conditions, and make the heat release law more reasonable, In the exhaust emission, NOx emission and CO emission are reduced, and soot emission is also significantly reduced under heavy load.
The above two methods achieve the purpose of controlling pollution emission by improving the technology of gas generator set. For ordinary users who can't do this, the pollution of generator set can still be reduced within the scope of their ability. For example, spray water on the intake pipe or emulsified diesel to promote the combustion of oil, and the harmful gas emitted by fully burned diesel will be reduced.
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