



返回 2021.10.11 來(lái)源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
The vibration of 80 kW gas generator in operation is mainly caused by improper support, except for the factors such as improper fuel injection timing of power generation machinery, abnormal operation of each cylinder and loose wear of various parts.
(1) reasons
① Broken generator mount.
② The fixing bolts of the generator mount are loose.
③ The generator suspension cushion block fails or falls off.
④ The improper mounting position of the generator makes the transmission part different from the axis.
⑵ diagnosis and treatment methods of 80 kW gas generator
① Diagnosis of generator jitter can be judged in combination with sound. For the generator started in place, if there is no obvious abnormal sound and shaking, it indicates that the support is not firm. Carefully check whether the suspension is broken, whether the fixing bolts are loose, and whether the buffer cushion block is damaged or fallen off, and repair it in time.
② If the generator does not vibrate when it is started in place, but vibrates after the drive axle is put into gear, it indicates that the coaxiality deviation of the transmission part is too large. Check whether the suspension is displaced. The inspection method is: while erecting the drive axle, loosen the fixing bolts of the generator, start the generator for operation, and observe whether the generator suspension swings. If there is swing, it must be that the coaxiality deviation of the transmission part is too large and should be adjusted.
③ If there is abnormal noise after the generator is started in place and the exhaust smoke color is not correct, it shall be eliminated according to improper fuel injection timing, uneven fuel supply of each cylinder and non operation of individual cylinders.
④ For generators that have been used for a long time or work in harsh environment, if the abnormal sound is obvious, they shall be overhauled according to the looseness of each machine part.
⑤ For the vehicle that has just been repaired for a short time, consider whether it is the vehicle jitter caused by dynamic balance failure.
  • 服務(wù)熱線



The vibration of 80 kW gas generator in operation is mainly caused by improper support, except for the factors such as improper fuel injection timing of power generation machinery, abnormal operation of each cylinder and loose wear of various parts.
(1) reasons
① Broken generator mount.
② The fixing bolts of the generator mount are loose.
③ The generator suspension cushion block fails or falls off.
④ The improper mounting position of the generator makes the transmission part different from the axis.
⑵ diagnosis and treatment methods of 80 kW gas generator
① Diagnosis of generator jitter can be judged in combination with sound. For the generator started in place, if there is no obvious abnormal sound and shaking, it indicates that the support is not firm. Carefully check whether the suspension is broken, whether the fixing bolts are loose, and whether the buffer cushion block is damaged or fallen off, and repair it in time.
② If the generator does not vibrate when it is started in place, but vibrates after the drive axle is put into gear, it indicates that the coaxiality deviation of the transmission part is too large. Check whether the suspension is displaced. The inspection method is: while erecting the drive axle, loosen the fixing bolts of the generator, start the generator for operation, and observe whether the generator suspension swings. If there is swing, it must be that the coaxiality deviation of the transmission part is too large and should be adjusted.
③ If there is abnormal noise after the generator is started in place and the exhaust smoke color is not correct, it shall be eliminated according to improper fuel injection timing, uneven fuel supply of each cylinder and non operation of individual cylinders.
④ For generators that have been used for a long time or work in harsh environment, if the abnormal sound is obvious, they shall be overhauled according to the looseness of each machine part.
⑤ For the vehicle that has just been repaired for a short time, consider whether it is the vehicle jitter caused by dynamic balance failure.
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