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返回 2021.12.07 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
The working principle of the gas-fired internal combustion generator set is: the air is filtered through the filter, enters the turbocharger for pressurization, and is introduced into the mixer in the cylinder of the internal combustion engine. The gas also enters the mixer through the pressure regulating valve. After the two are mixed, the piston moves and the crankshaft rotates to generate power and drive the generator, Then the power is converted into electric energy by the generator and output through the power transmission and transformation device.
In order to ensure the normal operation of internal combustion engine and generator, auxiliary systems such as gas storage, pressurization and treatment system, circulating cooling system, lubricating oil system, electrical system and control system must be equipped.
Because the working temperature of the core area in the cylinder of internal combustion engine can reach 1400 ℃, its efficiency is much higher than that of steam turbine or even gas turbine. The gas-fired internal combustion engine Zui has the outstanding advantages of high power generation efficiency, high equipment integration, fast installation, low requirements for dust in the gas, basically no water, and low cost per kilowatt of equipment.
The working principle of the waste heat generator unit is: the tail gas after the work of the gas internal combustion engine is introduced into the waste heat boiler to recover heat, generate superheated steam, promote the power generation of the steam turbine unit and realize the gas steam combined cycle power generation.
Due to the small power of single gas engine, the tail gas of multiple gas engines needs to be transmitted to one waste heat boiler through the main pipe, and the steam of multiple waste heat boilers is input to one steam turbine through the steam main pipe
The above wonderful content is what Xiaobian provides for you today. More wonderful content comes from: for details of gas generator set, please click our website to pay attention to: http://www.pp198.cn
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The working principle of the gas-fired internal combustion generator set is: the air is filtered through the filter, enters the turbocharger for pressurization, and is introduced into the mixer in the cylinder of the internal combustion engine. The gas also enters the mixer through the pressure regulating valve. After the two are mixed, the piston moves and the crankshaft rotates to generate power and drive the generator, Then the power is converted into electric energy by the generator and output through the power transmission and transformation device.
In order to ensure the normal operation of internal combustion engine and generator, auxiliary systems such as gas storage, pressurization and treatment system, circulating cooling system, lubricating oil system, electrical system and control system must be equipped.
Because the working temperature of the core area in the cylinder of internal combustion engine can reach 1400 ℃, its efficiency is much higher than that of steam turbine or even gas turbine. The gas-fired internal combustion engine Zui has the outstanding advantages of high power generation efficiency, high equipment integration, fast installation, low requirements for dust in the gas, basically no water, and low cost per kilowatt of equipment.
The working principle of the waste heat generator unit is: the tail gas after the work of the gas internal combustion engine is introduced into the waste heat boiler to recover heat, generate superheated steam, promote the power generation of the steam turbine unit and realize the gas steam combined cycle power generation.
Due to the small power of single gas engine, the tail gas of multiple gas engines needs to be transmitted to one waste heat boiler through the main pipe, and the steam of multiple waste heat boilers is input to one steam turbine through the steam main pipe
The above wonderful content is what Xiaobian provides for you today. More wonderful content comes from: for details of gas generator set, please click our website to pay attention to: http://www.pp198.cn
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