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返回 2022.07.31 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
Biogas engine is a very convenient self generating device. Sometimes, biogas engine groups are placed for a long time when not in use. After a long time of incorrect placement, it is easy to fail when starting again. Then the precautions for biogas engine to be placed for a long time are as follows:
1. Add a small amount of water and oil into the air inlet, shake the car to make it attached to the top of the piston, the inner wall of the cylinder liner and the valve sealing surface, and place the valve in the closed state to separate the cylinder liner from the outside.
2. When it is determined that the biogas engine will not be used for a long time, we should try to drain the cooling water and lubricating oil. Make the biogas generator set clean.
3. Cover the air filter, exhaust pipe and oil tank to prevent dust from falling.
4. Ensure that the biogas engine set is clean. Remove the dust and oil on the surface.
5. Remove the valve cover of biogas engine, dip a small amount of anhydrous engine oil with a brush, and brush it on the rocker arm and other parts.
6. The biogas engine should be placed in a well ventilated, dry and clean place. It is strictly prohibited to store with chemicals (such as fertilizers, pesticides, etc.).
The precautions for the long-term placement of biogas generator are like this. Only by properly storing and maintaining the machine can it be used more smoothly in the later stage. Come to our website for more information comhttp://www.pp198.cn Consult.
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Biogas engine is a very convenient self generating device. Sometimes, biogas engine groups are placed for a long time when not in use. After a long time of incorrect placement, it is easy to fail when starting again. Then the precautions for biogas engine to be placed for a long time are as follows:
1. Add a small amount of water and oil into the air inlet, shake the car to make it attached to the top of the piston, the inner wall of the cylinder liner and the valve sealing surface, and place the valve in the closed state to separate the cylinder liner from the outside.
2. When it is determined that the biogas engine will not be used for a long time, we should try to drain the cooling water and lubricating oil. Make the biogas generator set clean.
3. Cover the air filter, exhaust pipe and oil tank to prevent dust from falling.
4. Ensure that the biogas engine set is clean. Remove the dust and oil on the surface.
5. Remove the valve cover of biogas engine, dip a small amount of anhydrous engine oil with a brush, and brush it on the rocker arm and other parts.
6. The biogas engine should be placed in a well ventilated, dry and clean place. It is strictly prohibited to store with chemicals (such as fertilizers, pesticides, etc.).
The precautions for the long-term placement of biogas generator are like this. Only by properly storing and maintaining the machine can it be used more smoothly in the later stage. Come to our website for more information comhttp://www.pp198.cn Consult.
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