



返回 2022.08.31 來(lái)源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
Although the gas-fired power generation unit is energy-saving and environmental friendly, it has high requirements on the operating environment and supporting equipment, and has great hidden dangers. If you do not pay attention to it, it may lead to disasters. Therefore, in addition to the following safety regulations, safety operation regulations shall be formulated and strictly observed according to the specific conditions when using the gas-fired generator set.
Before the use of the gas generator set engine, the natural gas, oil and coolant with appropriate specifications shall be selected according to the specific use environment and conditions. Whether the selection is appropriate or not has a great impact on the performance and service life of the engine of the gas generator set.
1. Requirements for using natural gas for gas generator set
The fuel of gas engine is mainly natural gas, mainly including oil field associated gas, liquefied petroleum gas, biogas, gas and other combustible gases. The gas used shall be dried and dehydrated to be free of free water, crude oil and light oil.
2. Oil for gas generator set
The engine oil is used to lubricate the moving parts of the gas engine and to cool and dissipate heat, remove impurities and prevent rust. In addition to the performance and service life of the gas engine, the quality of the oil has a certain impact on the service life of the engine oil. Therefore, the proper engine oil should be selected according to the operating environment temperature of the gas engine. Special engine oil for gas engine shall be used as much as possible.
3. Coolant used for gas generator set
Clean fresh water, rain water or clarified river water is usually used as the coolant for the direct cooling engine of the cooling system When the gas engine is used under the environmental conditions below 0 ℃, the cooling liquid shall be strictly prevented from freezing, which may cause the parts to freeze. Antifreeze with proper freezing point can be added according to the temperature or hot water can be added before starting, but water shall be drained immediately after shutdown.
The editor hereby reminds you that there are certain potential safety hazards in the use of gas-fired generating units, and it is necessary to pay more attention to them during normal use and operate in strict accordance with the rules and regulations. Follow us http://www.pp198.cn Yes, learn more!
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Although the gas-fired power generation unit is energy-saving and environmental friendly, it has high requirements on the operating environment and supporting equipment, and has great hidden dangers. If you do not pay attention to it, it may lead to disasters. Therefore, in addition to the following safety regulations, safety operation regulations shall be formulated and strictly observed according to the specific conditions when using the gas-fired generator set.
Before the use of the gas generator set engine, the natural gas, oil and coolant with appropriate specifications shall be selected according to the specific use environment and conditions. Whether the selection is appropriate or not has a great impact on the performance and service life of the engine of the gas generator set.
1. Requirements for using natural gas for gas generator set
The fuel of gas engine is mainly natural gas, mainly including oil field associated gas, liquefied petroleum gas, biogas, gas and other combustible gases. The gas used shall be dried and dehydrated to be free of free water, crude oil and light oil.
2. Oil for gas generator set
The engine oil is used to lubricate the moving parts of the gas engine and to cool and dissipate heat, remove impurities and prevent rust. In addition to the performance and service life of the gas engine, the quality of the oil has a certain impact on the service life of the engine oil. Therefore, the proper engine oil should be selected according to the operating environment temperature of the gas engine. Special engine oil for gas engine shall be used as much as possible.
3. Coolant used for gas generator set
Clean fresh water, rain water or clarified river water is usually used as the coolant for the direct cooling engine of the cooling system When the gas engine is used under the environmental conditions below 0 ℃, the cooling liquid shall be strictly prevented from freezing, which may cause the parts to freeze. Antifreeze with proper freezing point can be added according to the temperature or hot water can be added before starting, but water shall be drained immediately after shutdown.
The editor hereby reminds you that there are certain potential safety hazards in the use of gas-fired generating units, and it is necessary to pay more attention to them during normal use and operate in strict accordance with the rules and regulations. Follow us http://www.pp198.cn Yes, learn more!
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