



返回 2022.09.08 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
After a long time of use, the gas generating set will inevitably break down, and finding the cause of the fault has become a key step in maintenance. As long as you know where the generator set has problems, maintenance is not difficult. Then, what should be paid attention to in the maintenance process?
The operation, inspection and maintenance of the gas generator set can only be completed by designated professionals. For the personal safety of maintenance personnel, the following points shall be paid attention to during maintenance:
1. When operating the power system, first disconnect the ground wire of the battery, and reconnect the ground wire after the operation, so as to prevent short circuit;
2. The tools of the gas generator set shall be inspected before use to ensure that the tools are in good condition;
3. Prolonged or repeated contact of the skin with any type of engine oil will cause damage to the skin.
4. Wear work clothes during maintenance; Only after the engine cools down can the cooling circulation system be opened;
5. Do not tighten or remove pipes and hoses (lubricating oil circulation system, coolant circulation system and pressure oil transfer circulation system) under pressure because the liquid flowing out often has corrosive effect.
Only by paying attention to the above matters can the personal safety of the staff and the normal operation of the operation be guaranteed when the gas generating unit is repaired. In case of danger, it must be repaired under the guidance of professional personnel. More precautions come to our website http://www.pp198.cn Let's consult and understand.
  • 服務(wù)熱線



After a long time of use, the gas generating set will inevitably break down, and finding the cause of the fault has become a key step in maintenance. As long as you know where the generator set has problems, maintenance is not difficult. Then, what should be paid attention to in the maintenance process?
The operation, inspection and maintenance of the gas generator set can only be completed by designated professionals. For the personal safety of maintenance personnel, the following points shall be paid attention to during maintenance:
1. When operating the power system, first disconnect the ground wire of the battery, and reconnect the ground wire after the operation, so as to prevent short circuit;
2. The tools of the gas generator set shall be inspected before use to ensure that the tools are in good condition;
3. Prolonged or repeated contact of the skin with any type of engine oil will cause damage to the skin.
4. Wear work clothes during maintenance; Only after the engine cools down can the cooling circulation system be opened;
5. Do not tighten or remove pipes and hoses (lubricating oil circulation system, coolant circulation system and pressure oil transfer circulation system) under pressure because the liquid flowing out often has corrosive effect.
Only by paying attention to the above matters can the personal safety of the staff and the normal operation of the operation be guaranteed when the gas generating unit is repaired. In case of danger, it must be repaired under the guidance of professional personnel. More precautions come to our website http://www.pp198.cn Let's consult and understand.
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