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返回 2022.09.16 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
Now there are more and more manufacturers selling gas generator sets in the market. In fact, many of them are middlemen, so it is generally difficult to solve the after-sales problems of gas generator sets, which also makes many customers very emotional. For example, the gas generator set cannot be charged with electricity, so let's talk about this problem.
I think that the failure of gas generator set to charge may be caused by the damage of fuse or rectifier diode. When the fuse is burnt out, the charger power indicator does not light up; After the rectifier diode is damaged, the power indicator of the charger is on, but there is no DC output. The causes may be:
1. The charger transformer is burnt out.
2. The diode on the charger is burnt out.
3. The charging ammeter of the charger is damaged.
4. The fuse of the charger is burnt out.
Solution: Disconnect the connecting wire between the charger and the battery, and use a multimeter DC voltage gear (50V) to test the voltage between the two output terminals of the charger. Note that the red probe is connected to the positive pole of the charger, and the black probe is connected to the negative pole. It is found that there is no voltage output.
Dismantle the charger housing and check the charging fuse core. It is found that the 60A fuse core is burnt out.
After replacement, the charger will resume normal charging, and the fault will be eliminated.
The above is about the reasons and solutions for the failure of gas generator set to charge. If you have any questions about this, you can come to our website at any time http://www.pp198.cn Consult.
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Now there are more and more manufacturers selling gas generator sets in the market. In fact, many of them are middlemen, so it is generally difficult to solve the after-sales problems of gas generator sets, which also makes many customers very emotional. For example, the gas generator set cannot be charged with electricity, so let's talk about this problem.
I think that the failure of gas generator set to charge may be caused by the damage of fuse or rectifier diode. When the fuse is burnt out, the charger power indicator does not light up; After the rectifier diode is damaged, the power indicator of the charger is on, but there is no DC output. The causes may be:
1. The charger transformer is burnt out.
2. The diode on the charger is burnt out.
3. The charging ammeter of the charger is damaged.
4. The fuse of the charger is burnt out.
Solution: Disconnect the connecting wire between the charger and the battery, and use a multimeter DC voltage gear (50V) to test the voltage between the two output terminals of the charger. Note that the red probe is connected to the positive pole of the charger, and the black probe is connected to the negative pole. It is found that there is no voltage output.
Dismantle the charger housing and check the charging fuse core. It is found that the 60A fuse core is burnt out.
After replacement, the charger will resume normal charging, and the fault will be eliminated.
The above is about the reasons and solutions for the failure of gas generator set to charge. If you have any questions about this, you can come to our website at any time http://www.pp198.cn Consult.
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