



返回 2022.10.17 來(lái)源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
Daily maintenance of gas generator unit shall be carried out in strict accordance with the specified requirements to ensure reliable operation of the unit. In these maintenance requirements, special attention should be paid to the following three aspects of inspection and maintenance:
(1) Inspection and maintenance of lubrication system.
This type of unit has many operating parts, and the operating conditions of the operating parts are poor. Most of them are under high temperature and high impact load. There are many parts that need lubrication, and the reliability of the lubrication system is strict. Therefore, pay attention to the oil quality, oil level, oil temperature and oil pressure of the lubricating oil system, and pay attention to the cleaning of centrifugal filter and oil filter, Avoid aggravating the wear of unit parts caused by poor lubrication, shorten the service life of unit parts, and increase the maintenance workload.
(2) Inspection and maintenance of air filter.
If the air filter operates well, it will effectively avoid excessive pressure drop caused by high intake resistance, which will cause oil leakage of the turbocharger; The surge of turbocharger compressor caused by flow reduction can also be avoided. Therefore, clean the air filter regularly and replace it with a new filter element if necessary.
(3) Check and adjust the relevant clearance and angle.
Mainly check and adjust the spark plug clearance, valve clearance and valve timing. It is normal that the gap between the spark plugs will become larger after the unit has operated for a period of time. After the gas generator runs for a long time, the valve clearance will change due to wear and looseness of the valve distribution mechanism. The valve clearance should be checked and adjusted regularly.
The timing of gas distribution does not need to be adjusted under normal conditions. When the working state of each cylinder of the unit is abnormal, first check whether the top dead center of the pointer indicates the correct position, whether the gear transmission marks of the transmission system are aligned, and whether the assembly relationship and valve clearance of the whole system are correct. If there is still a large difference with the specified value after inspection and adjustment, consider whether the camshaft or gear transmission parts are damaged, and repair or replace them if necessary.
Good maintenance can ensure the reliable operation of the unit. Under normal use, the maintenance shall be carried out according to the specified daily, weekly and monthly maintenance requirements. Follow us http://www.pp198.cn Learn more!
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Daily maintenance of gas generator unit shall be carried out in strict accordance with the specified requirements to ensure reliable operation of the unit. In these maintenance requirements, special attention should be paid to the following three aspects of inspection and maintenance:
(1) Inspection and maintenance of lubrication system.
This type of unit has many operating parts, and the operating conditions of the operating parts are poor. Most of them are under high temperature and high impact load. There are many parts that need lubrication, and the reliability of the lubrication system is strict. Therefore, pay attention to the oil quality, oil level, oil temperature and oil pressure of the lubricating oil system, and pay attention to the cleaning of centrifugal filter and oil filter, Avoid aggravating the wear of unit parts caused by poor lubrication, shorten the service life of unit parts, and increase the maintenance workload.
(2) Inspection and maintenance of air filter.
If the air filter operates well, it will effectively avoid excessive pressure drop caused by high intake resistance, which will cause oil leakage of the turbocharger; The surge of turbocharger compressor caused by flow reduction can also be avoided. Therefore, clean the air filter regularly and replace it with a new filter element if necessary.
(3) Check and adjust the relevant clearance and angle.
Mainly check and adjust the spark plug clearance, valve clearance and valve timing. It is normal that the gap between the spark plugs will become larger after the unit has operated for a period of time. After the gas generator runs for a long time, the valve clearance will change due to wear and looseness of the valve distribution mechanism. The valve clearance should be checked and adjusted regularly.
The timing of gas distribution does not need to be adjusted under normal conditions. When the working state of each cylinder of the unit is abnormal, first check whether the top dead center of the pointer indicates the correct position, whether the gear transmission marks of the transmission system are aligned, and whether the assembly relationship and valve clearance of the whole system are correct. If there is still a large difference with the specified value after inspection and adjustment, consider whether the camshaft or gear transmission parts are damaged, and repair or replace them if necessary.
Good maintenance can ensure the reliable operation of the unit. Under normal use, the maintenance shall be carried out according to the specified daily, weekly and monthly maintenance requirements. Follow us http://www.pp198.cn Learn more!
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