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返回 2022.11.14 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
Some customers choose to purchase generator sets for fire acceptance, but they are not very clear about how to pass the acceptance of the fire department. The biogas generator set manufacturer will briefly introduce the specifications that the fire fighting acceptance unit should meet.
Are some basic equipment of the generator set complete.
Check whether all appearance components of the generator set are in good condition, whether the generator set operates normally without load, and whether all instrument data indicators are accurate.
After running with load, ATS dual power conversion system can be used to check whether the automatic startup is normal and how long the response time is required.
Check whether the generator set is well grounded, and fill in the unit operation form.
Whether the oil tank is placed in accordance with the fire protection standard, and whether the fire extinguishing device is prepared on site.
The generator set machine room can be arranged on the first floor or the first and second floors below the building, and should not be arranged on the third floor or below. In the basement, one side should be close to the outer wall as much as possible to facilitate ventilation, heat dissipation and smoke exhaust.
The machine room shall be equipped with a separate oil storage room, which shall be separated from the generator set by a firewall. The oil storage shall not exceed the 8-hour demand, and fire alarm devices and fire-fighting facilities shall also be set.
Requirements for setting inside and outside the machine room: there is dry fire sand inside the machine room. There should be emergency lighting and emergency instructions in the machine room. If the machine room is located in the basement, ventilation system and fire alarm shall also be set.
Obvious no fireworks icon and no fireworks text shall be set around the machine room.
Fire hydrants, fire hoses and fire hoses are set outside the machine room.
The above is the specification content about the generator set for fire acceptance introduced by the generator set manufacturer. I hope it will be helpful to you. More related matters come to our website http://www.pp198.cn Ask and understand!
  • 服務(wù)熱線



Some customers choose to purchase generator sets for fire acceptance, but they are not very clear about how to pass the acceptance of the fire department. The biogas generator set manufacturer will briefly introduce the specifications that the fire fighting acceptance unit should meet.
Are some basic equipment of the generator set complete.
Check whether all appearance components of the generator set are in good condition, whether the generator set operates normally without load, and whether all instrument data indicators are accurate.
After running with load, ATS dual power conversion system can be used to check whether the automatic startup is normal and how long the response time is required.
Check whether the generator set is well grounded, and fill in the unit operation form.
Whether the oil tank is placed in accordance with the fire protection standard, and whether the fire extinguishing device is prepared on site.
The generator set machine room can be arranged on the first floor or the first and second floors below the building, and should not be arranged on the third floor or below. In the basement, one side should be close to the outer wall as much as possible to facilitate ventilation, heat dissipation and smoke exhaust.
The machine room shall be equipped with a separate oil storage room, which shall be separated from the generator set by a firewall. The oil storage shall not exceed the 8-hour demand, and fire alarm devices and fire-fighting facilities shall also be set.
Requirements for setting inside and outside the machine room: there is dry fire sand inside the machine room. There should be emergency lighting and emergency instructions in the machine room. If the machine room is located in the basement, ventilation system and fire alarm shall also be set.
Obvious no fireworks icon and no fireworks text shall be set around the machine room.
Fire hydrants, fire hoses and fire hoses are set outside the machine room.
The above is the specification content about the generator set for fire acceptance introduced by the generator set manufacturer. I hope it will be helpful to you. More related matters come to our website http://www.pp198.cn Ask and understand!
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