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返回 2023.01.06 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
In view of the fact that the AVR on the coking generator unit is a non overhaul accessory, which will be replaced if it is damaged, we mainly analyze the causes of AVR damage on the generator. It is important to avoid AVR damage as much as possible. As long as it is used properly, the service life of AVR can be improved. What about the AVR damage and loss of excitation of coking generator set?
The AVR circuit of the coking generator unit consists of three parts: the main rectifier circuit, the voltage detection circuit and the comparison control circuit; To eliminate the possibility of damage caused by the quality of the original electrical components, in the whole AVR circuit, the working frequency of the main circuit and the comparison control circuit changes greatly; The rectifier bridge of the main circuit and the transistor in the comparison circuit change more frequently, and the damage ratio accounts for more than 90% of the damage rate of the whole AVR.
The more stable the generator voltage is, the smaller the variation frequency in AVR is; The smaller the switching action of the transistor in the comparison circuit, the smaller the probability of AVR damage; The output load is relatively stable, the smaller the variation frequency in the AVR, the smaller the switching action of the transistor in the comparison circuit, and the smaller the probability of AVR damage; The more stable the speed of diesel engine is, the smaller the oscillation impact of variable current on AVR is; Frequent "traveling block", overload and large difference between three-phase loads are the main reasons for AVR damage; The generator set with E, F and C fuel systems is selected. Since the frequency variation is small, the use of AVR will be more reliable.
In addition, the coker generator is not used for a long time, which leads to the loss of residual magnetism contained in the iron core before leaving the factory, and the excitation coil cannot establish the due magnetic field. At this time, the engine runs normally but cannot generate electricity, which is a new machine. Or there are many units that have not been used for a long time. Handling method:
1) If the unit is equipped with an excitation button, press the excitation button once
2) If there is no excitation button, use the battery to magnetize it;
3) With a bulb load, run for a few seconds at overspeed.
We have explained the above two problems of AVR damage and loss of excitation of coking generator unit. If you have any views or needs, you can come to our website at any time http://www.pp198.cn Leave a message for consultation!
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In view of the fact that the AVR on the coking generator unit is a non overhaul accessory, which will be replaced if it is damaged, we mainly analyze the causes of AVR damage on the generator. It is important to avoid AVR damage as much as possible. As long as it is used properly, the service life of AVR can be improved. What about the AVR damage and loss of excitation of coking generator set?
The AVR circuit of the coking generator unit consists of three parts: the main rectifier circuit, the voltage detection circuit and the comparison control circuit; To eliminate the possibility of damage caused by the quality of the original electrical components, in the whole AVR circuit, the working frequency of the main circuit and the comparison control circuit changes greatly; The rectifier bridge of the main circuit and the transistor in the comparison circuit change more frequently, and the damage ratio accounts for more than 90% of the damage rate of the whole AVR.
The more stable the generator voltage is, the smaller the variation frequency in AVR is; The smaller the switching action of the transistor in the comparison circuit, the smaller the probability of AVR damage; The output load is relatively stable, the smaller the variation frequency in the AVR, the smaller the switching action of the transistor in the comparison circuit, and the smaller the probability of AVR damage; The more stable the speed of diesel engine is, the smaller the oscillation impact of variable current on AVR is; Frequent "traveling block", overload and large difference between three-phase loads are the main reasons for AVR damage; The generator set with E, F and C fuel systems is selected. Since the frequency variation is small, the use of AVR will be more reliable.
In addition, the coker generator is not used for a long time, which leads to the loss of residual magnetism contained in the iron core before leaving the factory, and the excitation coil cannot establish the due magnetic field. At this time, the engine runs normally but cannot generate electricity, which is a new machine. Or there are many units that have not been used for a long time. Handling method:
1) If the unit is equipped with an excitation button, press the excitation button once
2) If there is no excitation button, use the battery to magnetize it;
3) With a bulb load, run for a few seconds at overspeed.
We have explained the above two problems of AVR damage and loss of excitation of coking generator unit. If you have any views or needs, you can come to our website at any time http://www.pp198.cn Leave a message for consultation!
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