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In the process of using biogas for power generation, due to the design and material characteristics of the biogas generator unit, it is particularly sensitive to some components in the biogas (such as H2S, moisture, solid impurities, etc.). If not handled properly, it will cause the generator unit to be unable to operate normally.
1 硫化氫對發(fā)電機組的影響
The impact of hydrogen sulfide on generator sets
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a colorless, toxic, flammable gas with a strong odor of rotten eggs. When the volume content of hydrogen sulfide in the air exceeds 0.1%, it can cause poisoning symptoms such as headaches and dizziness. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) has strong corrosiveness to metals such as iron and is also prone to adsorbing metal surfaces and interacting with various metal ions to form insoluble sulfide precipitates. When biogas is burned, the H2S in it can also be converted into highly corrosive sulfite mist, which can pollute the environment and corrode machinery and equipment. At the same time, H2S has strong corrosiveness to metal pipelines, combustion equipment, detection equipment, and instruments in humid environments. Therefore, before biogas can be used, the H2S contained in it must be removed. The hydrogen sulfide in the biogas will cause serious corrosion to the intake pipe, supercharger, intercooler, spark plug, cylinder liner, exhaust pipe and silencer of the biogas generator set when generating power with biogas, and affect the service life of the unit. So before biogas enters the generator unit, it must undergo biogas pretreatment to reduce H2S to the allowable range of the unit in order to ensure the reliable operation of the unit.
2 水分對發(fā)電機組的影響
2. The impact of moisture on generator sets
In the process of using biogas for power generation, if the moisture content of biogas is too high, it will lead to excessive loss of intake pressure of the generator set. In severe cases, it can cause engine power fluctuations, cylinder knocking, shutdown, and seriously affect its service life. Its specific manifestation is:
(a) Difficulty in engine ignition;
(b) Reduce the temperature of the combustion chamber and reduce the efficiency of the internal combustion engine;
(c) Due to the presence of reactive gases such as water vapor, the power consumption of turbocharging increases;
(d) The combination of water vapor and other acidic substances produces intermediate products that corrode the machine itself, shorten its service life, and reduce its reliability.
3 固體雜質(zhì)對發(fā)電機組的影響
3. The impact of solid impurities on the generator set
Dust is the most widespread and harmful pollutant in the atmospheric environment. Dust is a clearly restricted impurity in engines, and its main impact is:
(a) Blocking the pipeline, poor circulation, increased pressure loss, and increased operating costs;
(b) Increase mechanical wear and reduce equipment service life.
In response to the requirements of the engine for biogas, installing a processing system in front of the biogas engine to solve the contradiction between the gas source side and the gas consumption side is currently an effective method to solve the utilization problem of biogas generator sets, mainly manifested in the following two aspects:
1 降低氣體的相對濕度
1. Reduce the relative humidity of the gas
The removal of moisture, considering specific circumstances, can be simply divided into two parts: the removal of condensed water and the removal of uncondensed water. The former can be achieved by using a steam water separator, while the latter is more complex to achieve. Currently, there are mainly the following methods:
(a) Low temperature dehumidification: By using refrigeration equipment to reduce the temperature of the gas, the water vapor inside is condensed and then discharged from the system;
(b) Adsorption: Use an adsorbent with strong adsorption effect on water to analyze the water in the gas;
(c) Membrane filtration: A membrane material with a special structure is used to separate water from the gas under specific conditions.
2 降低氣體雜質(zhì)成分含量
2. Reduce the content of gas impurities
Impurities in gases are relatively complex components, and as they are specific to the utilization of the engine, the determination of impurities is mainly based on the requirements of the engine, including the following:
(a) Sulfur removal:
以硫化氫為主的硫化物的去除主要有物理、化學(xué)以及生物三種方式。其中物理方法主要指物理吸附方式脫硫,這種方式操作簡便,但往往需要占地較大的設(shè)備,而且吸附劑需要再生?;瘜W(xué)方式指以化學(xué)反應(yīng)的方式將硫固化下來,目前有干法及濕法,其差別主要是反應(yīng)物的物理形態(tài)是固體還是液體的差別。生物法脫硫是目前比較新興的一種方式,其主要原理是在反應(yīng)罐中培養(yǎng)出合適的菌種,這些菌種以硫化物為養(yǎng)料,將其中的硫固定下來。 對于硫含量不高的氣體,采用物理吸附或者干法脫硫一般比較經(jīng)濟實用,而且操作簡便。
The removal of sulfides mainly composed of hydrogen sulfide mainly involves three methods: physical, chemical, and biological. The physical method mainly refers to the physical adsorption method for desulfurization, which is easy to operate but often requires a large area of equipment, and the adsorbent needs to be regenerated. Chemical method refers to the solidification of sulfur through chemical reactions. Currently, there are dry and wet methods, and the main difference is whether the physical form of the reactant is solid or liquid. Biological desulfurization is currently a relatively emerging method, whose main principle is to cultivate suitable bacterial strains in reaction tanks, which use sulfides as nutrients to fix the sulfur in them. For gases with low sulfur content, using physical adsorption or dry desulfurization is generally more economical and practical, and the operation is simple.
In addition, according to China's environmental standards, when biogas is used as energy, the H2S content in biogas should not exceed 200mg/Nm3. Therefore, after the desulfurization treatment of biogas, a biogas analyzer needs to be used for real-time online monitoring of the H2S content in the biogas, providing real-time and accurate data reference for the owner, helping them optimize and adjust the biogas pretreatment process, improve the intake quality of the biogas generator unit, and ensure that the H2S content meets the requirements of biogas power generation.
Due to the complex composition of biogas, in addition to H2S, it also contains gas components such as CH4, CO2, O2, etc. If we want to ensure the quality of biogas in the biogas generator unit, increase the calorific value of biogas, and ensure the efficiency of biogas combustion and power generation, it is necessary to reduce the H2S content. By monitoring the concentration of CH4 and CO2 in biogas, it is also necessary to provide a reference basis for optimizing anaerobic fermentation process, increasing CH4 content, and reducing CO2 content.
感謝您的閱讀,此文的文章來源:沼氣發(fā)電機組更多的內(nèi)容和問題請點擊:  http://www.pp198.cn我們會繼續(xù)努力的為您提供服務(wù),感謝您的支持!
Thank you for reading. The source of this article is biogas generator units. For more information and questions, please click on: http://www.pp198.cn We will continue to work hard to provide you with services. Thank you for your support!
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In the process of using biogas for power generation, due to the design and material characteristics of the biogas generator unit, it is particularly sensitive to some components in the biogas (such as H2S, moisture, solid impurities, etc.). If not handled properly, it will cause the generator unit to be unable to operate normally.
1 硫化氫對發(fā)電機組的影響
The impact of hydrogen sulfide on generator sets
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a colorless, toxic, flammable gas with a strong odor of rotten eggs. When the volume content of hydrogen sulfide in the air exceeds 0.1%, it can cause poisoning symptoms such as headaches and dizziness. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) has strong corrosiveness to metals such as iron and is also prone to adsorbing metal surfaces and interacting with various metal ions to form insoluble sulfide precipitates. When biogas is burned, the H2S in it can also be converted into highly corrosive sulfite mist, which can pollute the environment and corrode machinery and equipment. At the same time, H2S has strong corrosiveness to metal pipelines, combustion equipment, detection equipment, and instruments in humid environments. Therefore, before biogas can be used, the H2S contained in it must be removed. The hydrogen sulfide in the biogas will cause serious corrosion to the intake pipe, supercharger, intercooler, spark plug, cylinder liner, exhaust pipe and silencer of the biogas generator set when generating power with biogas, and affect the service life of the unit. So before biogas enters the generator unit, it must undergo biogas pretreatment to reduce H2S to the allowable range of the unit in order to ensure the reliable operation of the unit.
2 水分對發(fā)電機組的影響
2. The impact of moisture on generator sets
In the process of using biogas for power generation, if the moisture content of biogas is too high, it will lead to excessive loss of intake pressure of the generator set. In severe cases, it can cause engine power fluctuations, cylinder knocking, shutdown, and seriously affect its service life. Its specific manifestation is:
(a) Difficulty in engine ignition;
(b) Reduce the temperature of the combustion chamber and reduce the efficiency of the internal combustion engine;
(c) Due to the presence of reactive gases such as water vapor, the power consumption of turbocharging increases;
(d) The combination of water vapor and other acidic substances produces intermediate products that corrode the machine itself, shorten its service life, and reduce its reliability.
3 固體雜質(zhì)對發(fā)電機組的影響
3. The impact of solid impurities on the generator set
Dust is the most widespread and harmful pollutant in the atmospheric environment. Dust is a clearly restricted impurity in engines, and its main impact is:
(a) Blocking the pipeline, poor circulation, increased pressure loss, and increased operating costs;
(b) Increase mechanical wear and reduce equipment service life.
In response to the requirements of the engine for biogas, installing a processing system in front of the biogas engine to solve the contradiction between the gas source side and the gas consumption side is currently an effective method to solve the utilization problem of biogas generator sets, mainly manifested in the following two aspects:
1 降低氣體的相對濕度
1. Reduce the relative humidity of the gas
The removal of moisture, considering specific circumstances, can be simply divided into two parts: the removal of condensed water and the removal of uncondensed water. The former can be achieved by using a steam water separator, while the latter is more complex to achieve. Currently, there are mainly the following methods:
(a) Low temperature dehumidification: By using refrigeration equipment to reduce the temperature of the gas, the water vapor inside is condensed and then discharged from the system;
(b) Adsorption: Use an adsorbent with strong adsorption effect on water to analyze the water in the gas;
(c) Membrane filtration: A membrane material with a special structure is used to separate water from the gas under specific conditions.
2 降低氣體雜質(zhì)成分含量
2. Reduce the content of gas impurities
Impurities in gases are relatively complex components, and as they are specific to the utilization of the engine, the determination of impurities is mainly based on the requirements of the engine, including the following:
(a) Sulfur removal:
以硫化氫為主的硫化物的去除主要有物理、化學(xué)以及生物三種方式。其中物理方法主要指物理吸附方式脫硫,這種方式操作簡便,但往往需要占地較大的設(shè)備,而且吸附劑需要再生?;瘜W(xué)方式指以化學(xué)反應(yīng)的方式將硫固化下來,目前有干法及濕法,其差別主要是反應(yīng)物的物理形態(tài)是固體還是液體的差別。生物法脫硫是目前比較新興的一種方式,其主要原理是在反應(yīng)罐中培養(yǎng)出合適的菌種,這些菌種以硫化物為養(yǎng)料,將其中的硫固定下來。 對于硫含量不高的氣體,采用物理吸附或者干法脫硫一般比較經(jīng)濟實用,而且操作簡便。
The removal of sulfides mainly composed of hydrogen sulfide mainly involves three methods: physical, chemical, and biological. The physical method mainly refers to the physical adsorption method for desulfurization, which is easy to operate but often requires a large area of equipment, and the adsorbent needs to be regenerated. Chemical method refers to the solidification of sulfur through chemical reactions. Currently, there are dry and wet methods, and the main difference is whether the physical form of the reactant is solid or liquid. Biological desulfurization is currently a relatively emerging method, whose main principle is to cultivate suitable bacterial strains in reaction tanks, which use sulfides as nutrients to fix the sulfur in them. For gases with low sulfur content, using physical adsorption or dry desulfurization is generally more economical and practical, and the operation is simple.
In addition, according to China's environmental standards, when biogas is used as energy, the H2S content in biogas should not exceed 200mg/Nm3. Therefore, after the desulfurization treatment of biogas, a biogas analyzer needs to be used for real-time online monitoring of the H2S content in the biogas, providing real-time and accurate data reference for the owner, helping them optimize and adjust the biogas pretreatment process, improve the intake quality of the biogas generator unit, and ensure that the H2S content meets the requirements of biogas power generation.
Due to the complex composition of biogas, in addition to H2S, it also contains gas components such as CH4, CO2, O2, etc. If we want to ensure the quality of biogas in the biogas generator unit, increase the calorific value of biogas, and ensure the efficiency of biogas combustion and power generation, it is necessary to reduce the H2S content. By monitoring the concentration of CH4 and CO2 in biogas, it is also necessary to provide a reference basis for optimizing anaerobic fermentation process, increasing CH4 content, and reducing CO2 content.
感謝您的閱讀,此文的文章來源:沼氣發(fā)電機組更多的內(nèi)容和問題請點擊:  http://www.pp198.cn我們會繼續(xù)努力的為您提供服務(wù),感謝您的支持!
Thank you for reading. The source of this article is biogas generator units. For more information and questions, please click on: http://www.pp198.cn We will continue to work hard to provide you with services. Thank you for your support!
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