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Check the success rate of unit startup
試驗方法:試驗應(yīng)在符合產(chǎn)品技術(shù)條件規(guī)定的準(zhǔn)備啟動狀態(tài)下,每給一個啟動指令,啟動成功后突加功率為1.0的50% 的額定負(fù)載運行5min,再停機。
Test method: The test should be conducted in a ready to start state that meets the technical specifications of the product. After each successful start command is given, a 50% rated load with a power of 1.0 should be suddenly applied to run for 5 minutes, and then the machine should be stopped.
Test 100 times. The success rate of startup should be greater than 99%.
Otherwise, it will be considered as unqualified.
Check the average interval between failures of the unit
檢查方法:機組帶cosФ=0.8的額定負(fù)載,連續(xù)或累計運行1000h以上,焦化機發(fā)電機均不應(yīng)出現(xiàn)故障,控制電路的 元件不應(yīng)出現(xiàn)二次以上故障
Inspection method: Unit with cos Ф= With a rated load of 0.8 and continuous or cumulative operation for more than 1000 hours, the coking machine generator should not have any faults, and the components of the control circuit should not have more than two faults
Otherwise, it will be considered as unqualified. This indicator allows for assessment in actual operation.
Check the operation of the unit with thyristor load
試驗方法:機組帶cosФ≥0.5的三相可控硅整流器負(fù)載,在機組額定容量的10%~50%范圍內(nèi)任一點上均應(yīng)能穩(wěn)定工作 。
Test method: Unit with cos Ф≥ A three-phase thyristor rectifier with a load of 0.5 should be able to operate stably at any point within the range of 10% to 50% of the rated capacity of the unit.
If low-frequency oscillation occurs, adjustments should be made to ensure stable operation, otherwise it is considered unqualified.
Check the linkage test of the automation unit
Inspection method: Two units should be used as primary and backup for each other, with either unit being selected as primary. The mains power should be manually cut off, and the primary unit should automatically start and supply power.
制造一個故障 ,使主用機組自動停機備用機組則應(yīng)自動成功后供電。
Create a fault that causes the main unit to automatically shut down, and the backup unit should automatically supply power after successful operation.
After restoring the mains power, the standby unit should automatically shut down.
如不合格,找出原因,排 除故障。
If it is not qualified, identify the cause and troubleshoot.
Two units are used as the main unit and undergo three retests. If there is still one failure, it is considered as unqualified.
Check the automatic start function of the automated coking generator set
試驗方法:接通啟動電源,將機組工作方式選擇開關(guān)搬向自動,送入啟動指令,并且人為使機組啟動不成功,機組應(yīng) 自動啟動三次。
Test method: Connect the starting power, move the switch for selecting the working mode of the unit to automatic, send a starting command, and if the unit fails to start due to human intervention, the unit should start automatically three times.
Test three times, and if there is one failure, the number of retests will be doubled. If there is still one failure, it will be considered as unqualified.
Check the automatic supply device of the automation unit
試驗方法:在控制電路電路完全聯(lián)結(jié)完畢后,將工作方式選擇開關(guān)搬向自動人為放水放油至低液位,應(yīng)能自動補給, 當(dāng)液面上升到高液位時補給應(yīng)能自動停止。
Test method: After the control circuit is fully connected, move the working mode selection switch to the automatic manual water and oil discharge to the low liquid level, which should be able to automatically supply. When the liquid level rises to the high liquid level, the supply should be able to automatically stop.
Test three times, and if there is one failure, the number of retests will be doubled. If there is still one failure, it will be considered as unqualified.
  • 服務(wù)熱線



Check the success rate of unit startup
試驗方法:試驗應(yīng)在符合產(chǎn)品技術(shù)條件規(guī)定的準(zhǔn)備啟動狀態(tài)下,每給一個啟動指令,啟動成功后突加功率為1.0的50% 的額定負(fù)載運行5min,再停機。
Test method: The test should be conducted in a ready to start state that meets the technical specifications of the product. After each successful start command is given, a 50% rated load with a power of 1.0 should be suddenly applied to run for 5 minutes, and then the machine should be stopped.
Test 100 times. The success rate of startup should be greater than 99%.
Otherwise, it will be considered as unqualified.
Check the average interval between failures of the unit
檢查方法:機組帶cosФ=0.8的額定負(fù)載,連續(xù)或累計運行1000h以上,焦化機發(fā)電機均不應(yīng)出現(xiàn)故障,控制電路的 元件不應(yīng)出現(xiàn)二次以上故障
Inspection method: Unit with cos Ф= With a rated load of 0.8 and continuous or cumulative operation for more than 1000 hours, the coking machine generator should not have any faults, and the components of the control circuit should not have more than two faults
Otherwise, it will be considered as unqualified. This indicator allows for assessment in actual operation.
Check the operation of the unit with thyristor load
試驗方法:機組帶cosФ≥0.5的三相可控硅整流器負(fù)載,在機組額定容量的10%~50%范圍內(nèi)任一點上均應(yīng)能穩(wěn)定工作 。
Test method: Unit with cos Ф≥ A three-phase thyristor rectifier with a load of 0.5 should be able to operate stably at any point within the range of 10% to 50% of the rated capacity of the unit.
If low-frequency oscillation occurs, adjustments should be made to ensure stable operation, otherwise it is considered unqualified.
Check the linkage test of the automation unit
Inspection method: Two units should be used as primary and backup for each other, with either unit being selected as primary. The mains power should be manually cut off, and the primary unit should automatically start and supply power.
制造一個故障 ,使主用機組自動停機備用機組則應(yīng)自動成功后供電。
Create a fault that causes the main unit to automatically shut down, and the backup unit should automatically supply power after successful operation.
After restoring the mains power, the standby unit should automatically shut down.
如不合格,找出原因,排 除故障。
If it is not qualified, identify the cause and troubleshoot.
Two units are used as the main unit and undergo three retests. If there is still one failure, it is considered as unqualified.
Check the automatic start function of the automated coking generator set
試驗方法:接通啟動電源,將機組工作方式選擇開關(guān)搬向自動,送入啟動指令,并且人為使機組啟動不成功,機組應(yīng) 自動啟動三次。
Test method: Connect the starting power, move the switch for selecting the working mode of the unit to automatic, send a starting command, and if the unit fails to start due to human intervention, the unit should start automatically three times.
Test three times, and if there is one failure, the number of retests will be doubled. If there is still one failure, it will be considered as unqualified.
Check the automatic supply device of the automation unit
試驗方法:在控制電路電路完全聯(lián)結(jié)完畢后,將工作方式選擇開關(guān)搬向自動人為放水放油至低液位,應(yīng)能自動補給, 當(dāng)液面上升到高液位時補給應(yīng)能自動停止。
Test method: After the control circuit is fully connected, move the working mode selection switch to the automatic manual water and oil discharge to the low liquid level, which should be able to automatically supply. When the liquid level rises to the high liquid level, the supply should be able to automatically stop.
Test three times, and if there is one failure, the number of retests will be doubled. If there is still one failure, it will be considered as unqualified.
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