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返回 2024.05.07 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0


  Working principle and advantages and disadvantages of biogas generator sets


  1. Working principle and advantages of a single fuel biogas generator set: The mixture of "air biogas" is compressed in the cylinder, burned with a spark plug, and powered by the reciprocating motion of the piston, which is then connected to the generator for power generation.

  ① 不需要輔助燃料油及其供給設(shè)備

 ?、?No need for auxiliary fuel oil and its supply equipment


 ?、?Fuel is a system that is simpler in control compared to a generator set that can burn two types of fuels


 ?、?The price of the generator set is relatively low


  2. Working principle and advantages of dual fuel biogas diesel generator set: The mixture of "air combustion gas" is compressed in the cylinder, ignited with fuel, and powered by the reciprocating motion of the piston, and then connected to the generator for power generation.

  ① 用液體燃料或氣體燃料都可工作

 ?、?It can work with either liquid fuel or gas fuel


 ?、?Adapt to changes in biogas production and methane concentration


 ?、?If gas fuel is used instead of diesel fuel and the generator set stops working, there will be no residual unburned gas in the generator set because it has good corrosion resistance



  Disadvantages of two types of biogas generator sets: their operation is affected by the quantity and quality of biogas supplied

  ① 用氣體燃料工作時也需要液體輔助燃料

 ?、?When working with gas fuel, liquid auxiliary fuel is also required


 ?、?Liquid fuel supply equipment is required


 ?、?The control mechanism is slightly more complex


 ?、?The price is slightly higher than that of single fuel generator sets


  Organic wastewater biogas generator set


  What is organic wastewater


  Organic wastewater is wastewater mainly composed of organic pollutants, which can easily cause eutrophication of water quality and pose significant harm. Organic substances such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and lignin are present in industrial wastewater such as domestic sewage, food processing, and papermaking. These substances exist in suspended or dissolved states in wastewater and can be decomposed through the biochemical reactions of microorganisms. During its decomposition process, it requires the consumption of oxygen, hence it is called an oxygen consuming pollutant. This pollutant can cause a decrease in dissolved oxygen in water, affecting the growth of fish and other aquatic organisms. After the dissolved oxygen in water is depleted, organic matter undergoes anaerobic decomposition, producing unpleasant odors such as hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, and thiols, further deteriorating the water quality. The composition of organic matter in water is very complex, and the concentration of oxygen consuming organic matter is commonly expressed as the amount of oxygen consumed during the biochemical decomposition process of oxygen consuming substances per unit volume of water, which is expressed as biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). Generally, the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) for five days is expressed at 20 ℃.


  • 服務(wù)熱線




  Working principle and advantages and disadvantages of biogas generator sets


  1. Working principle and advantages of a single fuel biogas generator set: The mixture of "air biogas" is compressed in the cylinder, burned with a spark plug, and powered by the reciprocating motion of the piston, which is then connected to the generator for power generation.

  ① 不需要輔助燃料油及其供給設(shè)備

 ?、?No need for auxiliary fuel oil and its supply equipment


 ?、?Fuel is a system that is simpler in control compared to a generator set that can burn two types of fuels


  ③ The price of the generator set is relatively low


  2. Working principle and advantages of dual fuel biogas diesel generator set: The mixture of "air combustion gas" is compressed in the cylinder, ignited with fuel, and powered by the reciprocating motion of the piston, and then connected to the generator for power generation.


  ① It can work with either liquid fuel or gas fuel


  ② Adapt to changes in biogas production and methane concentration


 ?、?If gas fuel is used instead of diesel fuel and the generator set stops working, there will be no residual unburned gas in the generator set because it has good corrosion resistance



  Disadvantages of two types of biogas generator sets: their operation is affected by the quantity and quality of biogas supplied

  ① 用氣體燃料工作時也需要液體輔助燃料

 ?、?When working with gas fuel, liquid auxiliary fuel is also required


  ② Liquid fuel supply equipment is required


 ?、?The control mechanism is slightly more complex


 ?、?The price is slightly higher than that of single fuel generator sets


  Organic wastewater biogas generator set


  What is organic wastewater


  Organic wastewater is wastewater mainly composed of organic pollutants, which can easily cause eutrophication of water quality and pose significant harm. Organic substances such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and lignin are present in industrial wastewater such as domestic sewage, food processing, and papermaking. These substances exist in suspended or dissolved states in wastewater and can be decomposed through the biochemical reactions of microorganisms. During its decomposition process, it requires the consumption of oxygen, hence it is called an oxygen consuming pollutant. This pollutant can cause a decrease in dissolved oxygen in water, affecting the growth of fish and other aquatic organisms. After the dissolved oxygen in water is depleted, organic matter undergoes anaerobic decomposition, producing unpleasant odors such as hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, and thiols, further deteriorating the water quality. The composition of organic matter in water is very complex, and the concentration of oxygen consuming organic matter is commonly expressed as the amount of oxygen consumed during the biochemical decomposition process of oxygen consuming substances per unit volume of water, which is expressed as biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). Generally, the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) for five days is expressed at 20 ℃.


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