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返回 2022.04.25 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
  The power used by the gas generator set is often related to the progress of the operation, so it is important to pay attention to this aspect. Then what should be known is that the power of the engine set will be affected by what factors. Here we talk about the temperature factors of the surrounding environment.
  According to the international general technical requirements, the general definition of the use of the generator ambient temperature is 40 degrees Celsius, all design and power are in accordance with this ambient temperature. In fact, for a gas generator set, the ambient temperature should be the inlet temperature of the generator. Because the generator works with the gas generator set, the gas generator set will heat up during use, and the ambient temperature is relatively high, so that the temperature in the whole space where the whole generator set is located exceeds 40 degrees Celsius.
  For the environment temperature, if it is lower than 40 degrees Celsius, the power of the generator can be larger than the rated power, such as the spring and autumn winter, although the unit send out quantity of heat, but the environment temperature is lower, so it's the temperature of the surrounding space would not be more than 40 degrees Celsius, at that time, the output power of the generator set will reach normal power rating. When the ambient temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius, the power of the generator set is modified to some extent.
  Of course, the output power of the generator set is affected by many external factors, in addition to the environmental temperature, and the average altitude, air humidity and atmospheric pressure have a great impact on the generator set, in order to smooth use you need to know more about the content of professional knowledge in this area.
  In addition, before starting the generator set, the correct preheating method is to cover the thermal insulation on the water tank, open the water valve, into the water tank continuous injection of 60-70 degrees of clean soft water, touch the water valve out of the hot feeling, then close the water valve, into the water tank into 90-100 degrees of clean soft water, and shake the crankshaft, The moving parts are properly lubricated in advance, and then start again.
  The power of gas generator set will be affected by the surrounding temperature. We will explain the content here. Precautions and taboos should be fully understood before use, and it is important to avoid the emergence of problems. More content you can come to the website /www.pp198.cn for consultation!
  • 服務(wù)熱線



  The power used by the gas generator set is often related to the progress of the operation, so it is important to pay attention to this aspect. Then what should be known is that the power of the engine set will be affected by what factors. Here we talk about the temperature factors of the surrounding environment.
  According to the international general technical requirements, the general definition of the use of the generator ambient temperature is 40 degrees Celsius, all design and power are in accordance with this ambient temperature. In fact, for a gas generator set, the ambient temperature should be the inlet temperature of the generator. Because the generator works with the gas generator set, the gas generator set will heat up during use, and the ambient temperature is relatively high, so that the temperature in the whole space where the whole generator set is located exceeds 40 degrees Celsius.
  For the environment temperature, if it is lower than 40 degrees Celsius, the power of the generator can be larger than the rated power, such as the spring and autumn winter, although the unit send out quantity of heat, but the environment temperature is lower, so it's the temperature of the surrounding space would not be more than 40 degrees Celsius, at that time, the output power of the generator set will reach normal power rating. When the ambient temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius, the power of the generator set is modified to some extent.
  Of course, the output power of the generator set is affected by many external factors, in addition to the environmental temperature, and the average altitude, air humidity and atmospheric pressure have a great impact on the generator set, in order to smooth use you need to know more about the content of professional knowledge in this area.
  In addition, before starting the generator set, the correct preheating method is to cover the thermal insulation on the water tank, open the water valve, into the water tank continuous injection of 60-70 degrees of clean soft water, touch the water valve out of the hot feeling, then close the water valve, into the water tank into 90-100 degrees of clean soft water, and shake the crankshaft, The moving parts are properly lubricated in advance, and then start again.
  The power of gas generator set will be affected by the surrounding temperature. We will explain the content here. Precautions and taboos should be fully understood before use, and it is important to avoid the emergence of problems. More content you can come to the website /www.pp198.cn for consultation!
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