



返回 2024.09.02 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0


  1、 Gas Introduction Coalbed methane is called coal mine gas in coal mines, abbreviated as gas. According to new resource evaluation results, China's onshore coalbed methane resources are 36.8 trillion cubic meters, equivalent to the onshore conventional natural gas resources (38 trillion cubic meters), second only to Russia and Canada. The main component of coalbed methane is methane. When the concentration of methane in the air reaches 5% -16%, it will explode when exposed to an open flame, which is the root cause of coal mine gas explosion accidents. If coalbed methane is not utilized and directly emitted into the atmosphere, its greenhouse effect is about 21 times that of carbon dioxide. Coal mine gas power generation can effectively solve coal mine gas accidents, improve coal mine safety production conditions, increase clean energy supply, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and achieve multiple goals of protecting life, resources, and the environment.



  (1) Low concentration gas power generation technology

  煤礦瓦斯分高濃度瓦斯和低濃度瓦斯,高濃度瓦斯是指瓦斯(甲烷)濃度大于25%的瓦斯,低濃度瓦斯是指瓦斯?jié)舛鹊陀?5%的瓦斯。我國60%以上的瓦斯是含甲烷25%以下的低濃度瓦斯,按煤礦安全規(guī)程要求,瓦斯?jié)舛仍?5%以下的就不能貯存和輸送。低濃度瓦斯發(fā)電需要解決2個問題,一是各個煤礦的本身不一樣,而且隨時都在變化,傳統(tǒng)的發(fā)電機組很難;以不變應萬變 ,二是低濃度瓦斯的安全輸送問題。依托勝動和濟柴在燃氣內(nèi)燃機領域的領先技術,率先研制出性能卓越的高濃度瓦斯發(fā)電機組,并后繼開發(fā)出能適用于低濃度瓦斯的中大功率低濃度瓦斯發(fā)電機組,成為最早掌握低濃度瓦斯發(fā)電機組技術的廠家之一。其中500KW高低濃度瓦斯發(fā)電機組和600KW高低濃度瓦斯發(fā)電機組該機組性能最為卓越,性價比高。機組采用電控燃氣混合器技術,可以自動控制空燃比,以適應瓦斯的濃度變化,適合我國煤礦點多量小的特點,同時,發(fā)明了低濃度瓦斯安全輸送技術,采用細水霧技術,解決了低濃度瓦斯的地面安全輸送問題。(二)低濃度瓦斯發(fā)電基本要求

  Coal mine gas is divided into high concentration gas and low concentration gas. High concentration gas refers to gas with a methane concentration greater than 25%, while low concentration gas refers to gas with a methane concentration below 25%. More than 60% of the gas in our country is low concentration gas containing less than 25% methane. According to coal mine safety regulations, gas with a concentration below 25% cannot be stored or transported. Low concentration gas power generation needs to solve two problems. Firstly, each coal mine is different and constantly changing, making traditional generator sets difficult; The second issue is the safe transportation of low concentration gas. Relying on the leading technology of Shengdong and Jichai in the field of gas internal combustion engines, we have taken the lead in developing high-performance high concentration gas generator sets, and subsequently developed medium to high power low concentration gas generator sets suitable for low concentration gas, becoming one of the earliest manufacturers to master low concentration gas generator set technology. Among them, the 500KW high and low concentration gas generator set and the 600KW high and low concentration gas generator set have the most outstanding performance and high cost-effectiveness. The unit adopts electric control gas mixer technology, which can automatically control the air-fuel ratio to adapt to changes in gas concentration, suitable for the characteristics of large and small coal mines in China. At the same time, low concentration gas safety transportation technology has been invented, using fine water mist technology to solve the problem of safe transportation of low concentration gas on the ground. (2) Basic requirements for low concentration gas power generation


  Firstly, a gas drainage system has been installed in accordance with the requirements of the national coal mine safety management department, and the gas drainage system must operate normally; Secondly, the pure gas extraction capacity of the gas extraction system is around 1 million m3/year, and the gas concentration is between 6-25%. If these two conditions are met, the foundation for building a gas power station can be established. If a gas power station is built, it can be achieved; To promote extraction and safety through extraction; The coal mine is developing in a virtuous cycle. Classification of high and low concentration gas:


  Coal mine gas is divided into high concentration gas and low concentration gas. High concentration gas refers to gas with a methane concentration greater than 25%, while low concentration gas refers to gas with a methane concentration below 25%. More than 60% of the gas in our country is low concentration gas containing less than 25% methane. According to coal mine safety regulations, gas with a concentration below 25% cannot be stored or transported. Basic requirements for low concentration gas power generation: 1. Install a gas drainage system in accordance with the requirements of the national coal mine safety management department, and the gas drainage system must operate normally; 2. The pure gas extraction capacity of the gas extraction system is around 1 million m3/year, and the gas concentration is between 6-25%. Requirements for gas by the unit: 1. Within 1 meter of the gas inlet valve of the gas unit. 1. Gas temperature ≤ 40 ℃;?? 2. Gas pressure 3-20kpa, pressure change rate ≤ 1kpa/min; 3 H2S≤200mg/Nm3;4、 For CH4 volume content, high concentration gas generators require a methane content of at least 25%, while low concentration gas generators require a methane content of 12% -25% to start normally. 5. The moisture content in gas is ≤ 40g/Nm36, the impurity particle size is ≤ 5 μ m, and the impurity content is ≤ 30mg/Nm3. If the combustible gas contains high levels of sulfur and ammonia, it will not only severely corrode the spark plug electrode, but also increase the acid value in the engine oil, corrode the internal parts of the unit, and easily generate sediment, increasing the wear and corrosion of the engine. According to the actual needs of customers, a single set of gas generator sets with a power range of 500kw-800kw can be configured. For projects with an installed capacity of over 1MW, we recommend that customers use multiple 500KW units connected to the grid in parallel for the highest overall cost-effectiveness. The operation of the power station is also more stable, with convenient maintenance and low maintenance costs.


  3、 Technical Description of Generator Set


  1. The operating standard environmental conditions for the generator set have a total atmospheric pressure of 100kPa; The ambient air temperature is 25 ℃; Relative humidity of 30%; Under the above conditions, when the fuel quality meets the technical specifications, the generator set can achieve the rated load output. 2. Optional generators for supporting units. The generators for supporting units are all well-known domestic and foreign brands, such as Leleisenma, Siemens, Stanford, Marathon, Ingersoll Rand, Alma, etc.


  4、 After sales service


  Warranty period: 12 months or accumulated 1000 hours of operation after domestic unit commissioning and acceptance; Whichever expires first. Due to product quality issues, we offer free repairs or replacement parts and lifetime paid services! (Vulnerable parts, commonly used parts, human damage, neglect of maintenance, etc. are not covered by the warranty) If they are adjusted by the original factory, the original factory warranty regulations shall apply! After the expiration date, users enjoy lifelong maintenance of the product. If replacement parts are needed, only the cost fee will be charged, and no labor fee will be added. In case of severe product damage or special circumstances, major repairs or replacement with a new machine can be carried out.


This article is a friendly contribution from a gas generator set. For more related knowledge, please click: http://www.pp198.cn/ Sincere attitude. We provide you with excellent service. We will gradually contribute more knowledge to you. Please stay tuned

  • 服務熱線




  1、 Gas Introduction Coalbed methane is called coal mine gas in coal mines, abbreviated as gas. According to new resource evaluation results, China's onshore coalbed methane resources are 36.8 trillion cubic meters, equivalent to the onshore conventional natural gas resources (38 trillion cubic meters), second only to Russia and Canada. The main component of coalbed methane is methane. When the concentration of methane in the air reaches 5% -16%, it will explode when exposed to an open flame, which is the root cause of coal mine gas explosion accidents. If coalbed methane is not utilized and directly emitted into the atmosphere, its greenhouse effect is about 21 times that of carbon dioxide. Coal mine gas power generation can effectively solve coal mine gas accidents, improve coal mine safety production conditions, increase clean energy supply, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and achieve multiple goals of protecting life, resources, and the environment.



  (1) Low concentration gas power generation technology

  煤礦瓦斯分高濃度瓦斯和低濃度瓦斯,高濃度瓦斯是指瓦斯(甲烷)濃度大于25%的瓦斯,低濃度瓦斯是指瓦斯?jié)舛鹊陀?5%的瓦斯。我國60%以上的瓦斯是含甲烷25%以下的低濃度瓦斯,按煤礦安全規(guī)程要求,瓦斯?jié)舛仍?5%以下的就不能貯存和輸送。低濃度瓦斯發(fā)電需要解決2個問題,一是各個煤礦的本身不一樣,而且隨時都在變化,傳統(tǒng)的發(fā)電機組很難;以不變應萬變 ,二是低濃度瓦斯的安全輸送問題。依托勝動和濟柴在燃氣內(nèi)燃機領域的領先技術,率先研制出性能卓越的高濃度瓦斯發(fā)電機組,并后繼開發(fā)出能適用于低濃度瓦斯的中大功率低濃度瓦斯發(fā)電機組,成為最早掌握低濃度瓦斯發(fā)電機組技術的廠家之一。其中500KW高低濃度瓦斯發(fā)電機組和600KW高低濃度瓦斯發(fā)電機組該機組性能最為卓越,性價比高。機組采用電控燃氣混合器技術,可以自動控制空燃比,以適應瓦斯的濃度變化,適合我國煤礦點多量小的特點,同時,發(fā)明了低濃度瓦斯安全輸送技術,采用細水霧技術,解決了低濃度瓦斯的地面安全輸送問題。(二)低濃度瓦斯發(fā)電基本要求

  Coal mine gas is divided into high concentration gas and low concentration gas. High concentration gas refers to gas with a methane concentration greater than 25%, while low concentration gas refers to gas with a methane concentration below 25%. More than 60% of the gas in our country is low concentration gas containing less than 25% methane. According to coal mine safety regulations, gas with a concentration below 25% cannot be stored or transported. Low concentration gas power generation needs to solve two problems. Firstly, each coal mine is different and constantly changing, making traditional generator sets difficult; The second issue is the safe transportation of low concentration gas. Relying on the leading technology of Shengdong and Jichai in the field of gas internal combustion engines, we have taken the lead in developing high-performance high concentration gas generator sets, and subsequently developed medium to high power low concentration gas generator sets suitable for low concentration gas, becoming one of the earliest manufacturers to master low concentration gas generator set technology. Among them, the 500KW high and low concentration gas generator set and the 600KW high and low concentration gas generator set have the most outstanding performance and high cost-effectiveness. The unit adopts electric control gas mixer technology, which can automatically control the air-fuel ratio to adapt to changes in gas concentration, suitable for the characteristics of large and small coal mines in China. At the same time, low concentration gas safety transportation technology has been invented, using fine water mist technology to solve the problem of safe transportation of low concentration gas on the ground. (2) Basic requirements for low concentration gas power generation


  Firstly, a gas drainage system has been installed in accordance with the requirements of the national coal mine safety management department, and the gas drainage system must operate normally; Secondly, the pure gas extraction capacity of the gas extraction system is around 1 million m3/year, and the gas concentration is between 6-25%. If these two conditions are met, the foundation for building a gas power station can be established. If a gas power station is built, it can be achieved; To promote extraction and safety through extraction; The coal mine is developing in a virtuous cycle. Classification of high and low concentration gas:


  Coal mine gas is divided into high concentration gas and low concentration gas. High concentration gas refers to gas with a methane concentration greater than 25%, while low concentration gas refers to gas with a methane concentration below 25%. More than 60% of the gas in our country is low concentration gas containing less than 25% methane. According to coal mine safety regulations, gas with a concentration below 25% cannot be stored or transported. Basic requirements for low concentration gas power generation: 1. Install a gas drainage system in accordance with the requirements of the national coal mine safety management department, and the gas drainage system must operate normally; 2. The pure gas extraction capacity of the gas extraction system is around 1 million m3/year, and the gas concentration is between 6-25%. Requirements for gas by the unit: 1. Within 1 meter of the gas inlet valve of the gas unit. 1. Gas temperature ≤ 40 ℃;?? 2. Gas pressure 3-20kpa, pressure change rate ≤ 1kpa/min; 3 H2S≤200mg/Nm3;4、 For CH4 volume content, high concentration gas generators require a methane content of at least 25%, while low concentration gas generators require a methane content of 12% -25% to start normally. 5. The moisture content in gas is ≤ 40g/Nm36, the impurity particle size is ≤ 5 μ m, and the impurity content is ≤ 30mg/Nm3. If the combustible gas contains high levels of sulfur and ammonia, it will not only severely corrode the spark plug electrode, but also increase the acid value in the engine oil, corrode the internal parts of the unit, and easily generate sediment, increasing the wear and corrosion of the engine. According to the actual needs of customers, a single set of gas generator sets with a power range of 500kw-800kw can be configured. For projects with an installed capacity of over 1MW, we recommend that customers use multiple 500KW units connected to the grid in parallel for the highest overall cost-effectiveness. The operation of the power station is also more stable, with convenient maintenance and low maintenance costs.


  3、 Technical Description of Generator Set


  1. The operating standard environmental conditions for the generator set have a total atmospheric pressure of 100kPa; The ambient air temperature is 25 ℃; Relative humidity of 30%; Under the above conditions, when the fuel quality meets the technical specifications, the generator set can achieve the rated load output. 2. Optional generators for supporting units. The generators for supporting units are all well-known domestic and foreign brands, such as Leleisenma, Siemens, Stanford, Marathon, Ingersoll Rand, Alma, etc.


  4、 After sales service


  Warranty period: 12 months or accumulated 1000 hours of operation after domestic unit commissioning and acceptance; Whichever expires first. Due to product quality issues, we offer free repairs or replacement parts and lifetime paid services! (Vulnerable parts, commonly used parts, human damage, neglect of maintenance, etc. are not covered by the warranty) If they are adjusted by the original factory, the original factory warranty regulations shall apply! After the expiration date, users enjoy lifelong maintenance of the product. If replacement parts are needed, only the cost fee will be charged, and no labor fee will be added. In case of severe product damage or special circumstances, major repairs or replacement with a new machine can be carried out.


This article is a friendly contribution from a gas generator set. For more related knowledge, please click: http://www.pp198.cn/ Sincere attitude. We provide you with excellent service. We will gradually contribute more knowledge to you. Please stay tuned

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