



返回 2022.08.16 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
What maintenance work should be done after the operation of the coking generator unit? Today, I would like to explain that before the shutdown of the coking generator unit, the load should be cut off slowly, then the output air switch should be turned off, and then the unit should be shut down after it slows down to the idle running state for three to five minutes. Next, the following six maintenance works should be done:
1. Check and tighten the bolts of all rotating parts, especially the connecting bolts of fuel injection pump, water pump, belt pulley, fan, etc., and tighten the foundation bolts.
2. Check whether there is "three leakage" and clean it if necessary
3. Eliminate the simple faults and abnormal phenomena found in the operation of the coking generator set. IV. clean the dust on the air filter element of the coking generator set
4. Check the oil level of the coking generator set and the oil level of the fuel injection pump, and add the oil with the quality meeting the technical requirements if necessary.
5. Check the cooling water level of the water tank of the coking generator unit, and add soft purified water if necessary.
6. Check whether the electrical wiring of the control system of the coking generator set is loose. VIII. Clean the surface of the coking generator set comprehensively.
Precautions after shutdown:
Disconnect the generator output circuit breaker (in manual mode). Turn the electric key switch of the control panel to the off position, take out the key and keep it properly (in manual mode). After shutdown in automatic mode, the coking generator unit will be in standby state for emergency start at any time. During long-term shutdown or maintenance of the coking generator set, the negative cable of the starting battery of the coking generator set must be removed. In cold winter, please release the engine coolant to avoid freezing the engine block and causing major failure.
The above is about the maintenance work that needs to be done after the operation of the coking generator unit. If you don't understand, you can consult YA'NAN Electric Co., Ltd. and follow our website http://www.pp198.cn I'll answer your questions.
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What maintenance work should be done after the operation of the coking generator unit? Today, I would like to explain that before the shutdown of the coking generator unit, the load should be cut off slowly, then the output air switch should be turned off, and then the unit should be shut down after it slows down to the idle running state for three to five minutes. Next, the following six maintenance works should be done:
1. Check and tighten the bolts of all rotating parts, especially the connecting bolts of fuel injection pump, water pump, belt pulley, fan, etc., and tighten the foundation bolts.
2. Check whether there is "three leakage" and clean it if necessary
3. Eliminate the simple faults and abnormal phenomena found in the operation of the coking generator set. IV. clean the dust on the air filter element of the coking generator set
4. Check the oil level of the coking generator set and the oil level of the fuel injection pump, and add the oil with the quality meeting the technical requirements if necessary.
5. Check the cooling water level of the water tank of the coking generator unit, and add soft purified water if necessary.
6. Check whether the electrical wiring of the control system of the coking generator set is loose. VIII. Clean the surface of the coking generator set comprehensively.
Precautions after shutdown:
Disconnect the generator output circuit breaker (in manual mode). Turn the electric key switch of the control panel to the off position, take out the key and keep it properly (in manual mode). After shutdown in automatic mode, the coking generator unit will be in standby state for emergency start at any time. During long-term shutdown or maintenance of the coking generator set, the negative cable of the starting battery of the coking generator set must be removed. In cold winter, please release the engine coolant to avoid freezing the engine block and causing major failure.
The above is about the maintenance work that needs to be done after the operation of the coking generator unit. If you don't understand, you can consult YA'NAN Electric Co., Ltd. and follow our website http://www.pp198.cn I'll answer your questions.
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