



返回 2022.08.31 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
What tests should be done for the coking generator set that has been placed for half a year? In fact, it is not very difficult. Generally, the following checks are required:
1. Check the startup success rate of the unit
試驗方法:試驗應在符合產(chǎn)品技術(shù)條件規(guī)定的準備啟動狀態(tài)下,每給一個啟動指令,啟動成功后突加功率為1.0的50% 的額定負載運行5min,再停機。試驗100次。啟動成功率應大于99%。否則,則認為此項不合格。
Test method: the test shall be carried out in the ready to start state in accordance with the technical conditions of the product. After each start command is given, the test shall be conducted with 50% of the rated load of 1.0 for 5min and then shut down. 100 tests. The startup success rate shall be greater than 99%. Otherwise, it is considered as unqualified.
2. Check the mean time between failures of the unit
檢查方法:機組帶cosФ=0.8的額定負載,連續(xù)或累計運行1000h以上,焦化機、發(fā)電機均不應出現(xiàn)故障,控制電路的 元件不應出現(xiàn)二次以上故障,否則,則認為此項不合格。此項指標允許在實際運行中進行考核。
Inspection method: unit with cos Ф= 0.8 rated load, continuous or cumulative operation for more than 1000h, the coking machine and generator shall not have fault, and the elements of the control circuit shall not have more than two faults, otherwise, this item is considered unqualified. This indicator can be evaluated in actual operation.
3. Check the operation of the unit with thyristor load
試驗方法:機組帶cosФ≥0.5的三相可控硅整流器負載,在機組額定容量的10%~50%范圍內(nèi)任一點上均應能穩(wěn)定工作 。如果產(chǎn)生低頻振蕩,應實行調(diào)整,使之能穩(wěn)定工作,否則認為此項不合格。
Test method: unit with cos Ф The load of three-phase thyristor rectifier ≥ 0.5 shall be able to work stably at any point within the range of 10% ~ 50% of the rated capacity of the unit. If low-frequency oscillation occurs, it shall be adjusted to make it work stably. Otherwise, it is considered unqualified.
4. Check the linkage test of the automatic unit
檢查方法:兩臺機組應互為主備用,任選一臺作主用,人為切斷市電,主用機組自動啟動成功后供電。制造一個故障 ,使主用機組自動停機備用機組則應自動成功后供電。使市電恢復后,備用機組應級自動停機。如不合格,找出原因,排 除故障。兩臺機組分別為主用,復試三次,如仍有一次不合格,則認為此項不合格。
Inspection method: two units shall be used as main and standby for each other, and one unit shall be selected as the main one. The mains power shall be cut off manually, and the power supply shall be supplied after the main unit is automatically started successfully. If a fault is caused, the main unit will automatically shut down, and the standby unit will automatically supply power after success. After the mains power is restored, the standby unit shall stop automatically. If unqualified, find out the reason and eliminate the fault. The two units are mainly used and retested for three times. If one is still unqualified, it is considered as unqualified.
5. Check the automatic startup function of the automatic coking generator set
試驗方法:接通啟動電源,將機組工作方式選擇開關(guān)搬向自動,送入啟動指令,并且人為使機組啟動不成功,機組應 自動啟動三次。
Test method: connect the startup power supply, move the unit working mode selection switch to automatic, and send the startup command. If the unit fails to be started manually, the unit shall be started automatically for three times.
If one of the three tests is unqualified, the number of retests shall be doubled. If there is still one unqualified, it is considered to be unqualified.
6. Check the automatic supply device of the automatic unit
試驗方法:在控制電路電路完全聯(lián)結(jié)完畢后,將工作方式選擇開關(guān)搬向自動人為放水放油至低液位,應能自動補給, 當液面上升到高液位時補給應能自動停止。
Test method: after the control circuit is fully connected, move the working mode selection switch to automatic manual water and oil drainage to the low level, which shall be able to automatically replenish. When the liquid level rises to the high level, the replenishment shall be able to automatically stop.
If one of the three tests is unqualified, the number of retests shall be doubled. If there is still one unqualified, it is considered to be unqualified.
此外也要檢查自動化機組的保護性、檢查自動化機組的冷卻水、機油加熱等事項,更多檢查項目合格才能進行下一步 使用,詳情就來我們網(wǎng)站http://www.pp198.cn聯(lián)系了解吧。
In addition, it is also necessary to check the protection of the automatic unit, check the cooling water and oil heating of the automatic unit. More inspection items can be used in the next step only if they are qualified. Please visit our website for details http://www.huannengpower. Contact me to understand.
  • 服務熱線



What tests should be done for the coking generator set that has been placed for half a year? In fact, it is not very difficult. Generally, the following checks are required:
1. Check the startup success rate of the unit
試驗方法:試驗應在符合產(chǎn)品技術(shù)條件規(guī)定的準備啟動狀態(tài)下,每給一個啟動指令,啟動成功后突加功率為1.0的50% 的額定負載運行5min,再停機。試驗100次。啟動成功率應大于99%。否則,則認為此項不合格。
Test method: the test shall be carried out in the ready to start state in accordance with the technical conditions of the product. After each start command is given, the test shall be conducted with 50% of the rated load of 1.0 for 5min and then shut down. 100 tests. The startup success rate shall be greater than 99%. Otherwise, it is considered as unqualified.
2. Check the mean time between failures of the unit
檢查方法:機組帶cosФ=0.8的額定負載,連續(xù)或累計運行1000h以上,焦化機、發(fā)電機均不應出現(xiàn)故障,控制電路的 元件不應出現(xiàn)二次以上故障,否則,則認為此項不合格。此項指標允許在實際運行中進行考核。
Inspection method: unit with cos Ф= 0.8 rated load, continuous or cumulative operation for more than 1000h, the coking machine and generator shall not have fault, and the elements of the control circuit shall not have more than two faults, otherwise, this item is considered unqualified. This indicator can be evaluated in actual operation.
3. Check the operation of the unit with thyristor load
試驗方法:機組帶cosФ≥0.5的三相可控硅整流器負載,在機組額定容量的10%~50%范圍內(nèi)任一點上均應能穩(wěn)定工作 。如果產(chǎn)生低頻振蕩,應實行調(diào)整,使之能穩(wěn)定工作,否則認為此項不合格。
Test method: unit with cos Ф The load of three-phase thyristor rectifier ≥ 0.5 shall be able to work stably at any point within the range of 10% ~ 50% of the rated capacity of the unit. If low-frequency oscillation occurs, it shall be adjusted to make it work stably. Otherwise, it is considered unqualified.
4. Check the linkage test of the automatic unit
檢查方法:兩臺機組應互為主備用,任選一臺作主用,人為切斷市電,主用機組自動啟動成功后供電。制造一個故障 ,使主用機組自動停機備用機組則應自動成功后供電。使市電恢復后,備用機組應級自動停機。如不合格,找出原因,排 除故障。兩臺機組分別為主用,復試三次,如仍有一次不合格,則認為此項不合格。
Inspection method: two units shall be used as main and standby for each other, and one unit shall be selected as the main one. The mains power shall be cut off manually, and the power supply shall be supplied after the main unit is automatically started successfully. If a fault is caused, the main unit will automatically shut down, and the standby unit will automatically supply power after success. After the mains power is restored, the standby unit shall stop automatically. If unqualified, find out the reason and eliminate the fault. The two units are mainly used and retested for three times. If one is still unqualified, it is considered as unqualified.
5. Check the automatic startup function of the automatic coking generator set
試驗方法:接通啟動電源,將機組工作方式選擇開關(guān)搬向自動,送入啟動指令,并且人為使機組啟動不成功,機組應 自動啟動三次。
Test method: connect the startup power supply, move the unit working mode selection switch to automatic, and send the startup command. If the unit fails to be started manually, the unit shall be started automatically for three times.
If one of the three tests is unqualified, the number of retests shall be doubled. If there is still one unqualified, it is considered to be unqualified.
6. Check the automatic supply device of the automatic unit
試驗方法:在控制電路電路完全聯(lián)結(jié)完畢后,將工作方式選擇開關(guān)搬向自動人為放水放油至低液位,應能自動補給, 當液面上升到高液位時補給應能自動停止。
Test method: after the control circuit is fully connected, move the working mode selection switch to automatic manual water and oil drainage to the low level, which shall be able to automatically replenish. When the liquid level rises to the high level, the replenishment shall be able to automatically stop.
If one of the three tests is unqualified, the number of retests shall be doubled. If there is still one unqualified, it is considered to be unqualified.
此外也要檢查自動化機組的保護性、檢查自動化機組的冷卻水、機油加熱等事項,更多檢查項目合格才能進行下一步 使用,詳情就來我們網(wǎng)站http://www.pp198.cn聯(lián)系了解吧。
In addition, it is also necessary to check the protection of the automatic unit, check the cooling water and oil heating of the automatic unit. More inspection items can be used in the next step only if they are qualified. Please visit our website for details http://www.huannengpower. Contact me to understand.
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