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返回 2023.01.04 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
Gas generator units are widely used in natural gas power generation, biogas power generation, landfill gas power generation and other fields due to their good fuel adaptability, high power generation efficiency, flexible unit operation mode and other characteristics. In several common types of fuel gas, due to different sources and processes of fuel gas, fuel gas often contains a variety of impurities. The following is a brief analysis of several common impurity types.
1. Particulate matter
The impact of solid particles such as dust on gas turbine generator units mainly lies in filter blockage, insufficient air intake and pressure reduction. In the engine cylinder, the cylinder wall and piston will be worn, and at the same time, the lubricating oil will be polluted, which will cause the wear of other components, such as sliding bearings, and affect the normal operation of the unit.
The filter attached to the engine gas inlet valve group is only used to protect the system from particle damage, and cannot be used as the working load filter. The user shall set a working load filter in the gas pipeline, and the filter shall be set with a particle diameter greater than 3 μ M, the low separation rate must reach 99.99% or above.
2. Sulfur
Fuel gas such as biogas often contains sulfur compounds such as hydrogen sulfide, which will form sulfur dioxide and sulfur trioxide if burned in the cylinder. As the fuel gas contains water and the fuel gas combustion will also produce water, sulfur compounds dissolve in water to form hydrosulfuric acid, sulfite and sulfuric acid, which will corrode the metal parts of the engine.
The specific requirements for the sulfur content of the gas in the gas generator set are related to the unit model and the gas methane concentration. Generally, the total sulfur content in the gas entering the engine should be less than 300mg/Nm3. In addition, models with precombustion chambers usually have additional requirements. If there is tail gas treatment equipment with catalyst, the sulfur content requirements of catalyst shall also be considered.
3. Oil
Due to different operating temperatures and thermochemical reaction processes, hundreds of different types of tar will be produced during biomass pyrolysis and gasification. Usually, such hydrocarbons will be condensed into liquid when they are cold at low temperature, which will block the intake system, turbocharger blades, intercoolers, etc. It is an effective method to analyze the dew point of tar after pretreatment of biomass pyrolysis gas.
The harm brought by such impurities to the generator set will gradually accumulate, and have a very far-reaching negative impact on the operating effect, normal maintenance clearance and even service life of the unit. Therefore, it is very important to remove or reduce impurities in the gas by pretreatment, and it should be carried out according to the technical requirements and recommendations of the gas generator set manufacturer. More relevant content will come to our website http://www.pp198.cn Consult!
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Gas generator units are widely used in natural gas power generation, biogas power generation, landfill gas power generation and other fields due to their good fuel adaptability, high power generation efficiency, flexible unit operation mode and other characteristics. In several common types of fuel gas, due to different sources and processes of fuel gas, fuel gas often contains a variety of impurities. The following is a brief analysis of several common impurity types.
1. Particulate matter
The impact of solid particles such as dust on gas turbine generator units mainly lies in filter blockage, insufficient air intake and pressure reduction. In the engine cylinder, the cylinder wall and piston will be worn, and at the same time, the lubricating oil will be polluted, which will cause the wear of other components, such as sliding bearings, and affect the normal operation of the unit.
The filter attached to the engine gas inlet valve group is only used to protect the system from particle damage, and cannot be used as the working load filter. The user shall set a working load filter in the gas pipeline, and the filter shall be set with a particle diameter greater than 3 μ M, the low separation rate must reach 99.99% or above.
2. Sulfur
Fuel gas such as biogas often contains sulfur compounds such as hydrogen sulfide, which will form sulfur dioxide and sulfur trioxide if burned in the cylinder. As the fuel gas contains water and the fuel gas combustion will also produce water, sulfur compounds dissolve in water to form hydrosulfuric acid, sulfite and sulfuric acid, which will corrode the metal parts of the engine.
The specific requirements for the sulfur content of the gas in the gas generator set are related to the unit model and the gas methane concentration. Generally, the total sulfur content in the gas entering the engine should be less than 300mg/Nm3. In addition, models with precombustion chambers usually have additional requirements. If there is tail gas treatment equipment with catalyst, the sulfur content requirements of catalyst shall also be considered.
3. Oil
Due to different operating temperatures and thermochemical reaction processes, hundreds of different types of tar will be produced during biomass pyrolysis and gasification. Usually, such hydrocarbons will be condensed into liquid when they are cold at low temperature, which will block the intake system, turbocharger blades, intercoolers, etc. It is an effective method to analyze the dew point of tar after pretreatment of biomass pyrolysis gas.
The harm brought by such impurities to the generator set will gradually accumulate, and have a very far-reaching negative impact on the operating effect, normal maintenance clearance and even service life of the unit. Therefore, it is very important to remove or reduce impurities in the gas by pretreatment, and it should be carried out according to the technical requirements and recommendations of the gas generator set manufacturer. More relevant content will come to our website http://www.pp198.cn Consult!
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