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返回 2021.07.16 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
1、 Feeding stage
1. Pig manure and other fermentation raw materials are transported by pipeline or manually into the feed tank through the feed hopper through the grid.
2. The raw materials for fermentation need to be mixed with water and biogas slurry.
3. Start the feed agitator, stop mixing after 3-5min, open the feed valve on the feed pipe, and start the feed cutting pump.
4. When the material in the feed pool falls below the feed interface, close the feed cutting pump, and then close the feed valve.
5. After the material enters anaerobic fermentation for anaerobic treatment, the sampling pipe is used for sampling analysis and detection every 24 hours to monitor the fermentation state in real time.
6. The biogas generator manufacturer said that after the start-up and operation are normal, it can feed into the tank one after another. The daily feed is about 9-15 cubic meters. When the feed volume reaches 85% - 90% of the volume, the feed is stopped, and the circulating pump is started for 3-5 minutes.
2、 Discharge stage
1. When discharging, slowly open the discharge valve on the overflow pipe to about 1 / 3 ~ 1 / 2, so as to avoid negative pressure caused by too fast discharging. After no biogas slurry is discharged, close the valve.
2. When discharging sludge, first open the overflow pipe valve, and then slowly open the discharge valve on the sludge discharge pipe to about 1 / 3 ~ 1 / 2, so as to avoid negative pressure caused by too fast discharging. After no large amount of sludge is discharged, close the valve of sludge discharge pipe and then close the valve of overflow pipe.
3、 Use stage
1. The biogas torch has the function of automatic ignition. When there is too much biogas in the gas holder, it will automatically enter into the biogas torch.
2. When using the generator, open the air inlet valve of the generator and operate according to the operating procedures of biogas generator set.
3. When using the boiler, open the air inlet valve of the boiler and operate according to the operating instructions of the biogas boiler.
4. In normal use, the dehydration and desulfurization valve is normally opened. When maintenance is needed, the engineering and technical personnel shall close the valve for maintenance. The dehydration and desulfurization tank shall open the drainage valve every 3-7 days for drainage.
  • 服務(wù)熱線



1、 Feeding stage
1. Pig manure and other fermentation raw materials are transported by pipeline or manually into the feed tank through the feed hopper through the grid.
2. The raw materials for fermentation need to be mixed with water and biogas slurry.
3. Start the feed agitator, stop mixing after 3-5min, open the feed valve on the feed pipe, and start the feed cutting pump.
4. When the material in the feed pool falls below the feed interface, close the feed cutting pump, and then close the feed valve.
5. After the material enters anaerobic fermentation for anaerobic treatment, the sampling pipe is used for sampling analysis and detection every 24 hours to monitor the fermentation state in real time.
6. The biogas generator manufacturer said that after the start-up and operation are normal, it can feed into the tank one after another. The daily feed is about 9-15 cubic meters. When the feed volume reaches 85% - 90% of the volume, the feed is stopped, and the circulating pump is started for 3-5 minutes.
2、 Discharge stage
1. When discharging, slowly open the discharge valve on the overflow pipe to about 1 / 3 ~ 1 / 2, so as to avoid negative pressure caused by too fast discharging. After no biogas slurry is discharged, close the valve.
2. When discharging sludge, first open the overflow pipe valve, and then slowly open the discharge valve on the sludge discharge pipe to about 1 / 3 ~ 1 / 2, so as to avoid negative pressure caused by too fast discharging. After no large amount of sludge is discharged, close the valve of sludge discharge pipe and then close the valve of overflow pipe.
3、 Use stage
1. The biogas torch has the function of automatic ignition. When there is too much biogas in the gas holder, it will automatically enter into the biogas torch.
2. When using the generator, open the air inlet valve of the generator and operate according to the operating procedures of biogas generator set.
3. When using the boiler, open the air inlet valve of the boiler and operate according to the operating instructions of the biogas boiler.
4. In normal use, the dehydration and desulfurization valve is normally opened. When maintenance is needed, the engineering and technical personnel shall close the valve for maintenance. The dehydration and desulfurization tank shall open the drainage valve every 3-7 days for drainage.
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