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返回 2021.07.28 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
With the continuous improvement of the quality and performance of domestic gas-fired generator sets, the application scope of generator sets in hospitals, hotels, hotels, real estate and other industries is also expanding day by day. Let's share the four main uses of gas generator set.
1、 Self provided power supply. Some power users do not have network power supply, such as islands far from the mainland, remote pastoral areas, rural areas, military barracks, workstations and radar stations on desert plateau, so they need to configure their own power supply. The so-called self-contained power supply is the power supply for self use. When the generating power is not too large, the generator set often becomes the source of self-contained power supply.
2、 Standby power supply. Standby power supply, also known as emergency power supply, is mainly used to configure its own power supply for emergency power generation in order to prevent accidents, such as circuit failure or temporary power failure, although some power users have relatively stable and reliable network power supply. It can be seen that the standby power supply is actually a kind of self-contained power supply, but it is not used as the main power supply, but only as a means of relief in case of emergency.
3、 Alternative power supply. The function of alternative power supply is to make up for the shortage of network power supply. There may be two situations. One is that the grid power price is too high, and the generator set is selected as the alternative power supply from the perspective of cost saving; The other is that in the case of insufficient network power supply, the use of network power is limited, and the power supply department has to switch off and limit power everywhere. At this time, the power consumption unit needs to replace the power supply for relief in order to produce and work normally.
4、 Mobile power supply. Mobile power is a power generation facility that is transferred everywhere without a fixed place of use. Because of its light, flexible and easy operation, generator set has become the main source of mobile power supply. Mobile power supply is generally designed in the form of power supply vehicles, including self-propelled power supply vehicles and trailer power supply vehicles.
The above four main uses of gas-fired generator sets are produced in response to different stages of social development. Green power can provide 3KW ~ 250KW high-quality and low-energy generator sets with various specifications, such as ordinary, automatic, four protection, automatic switching, low noise and mobile, which can meet all the power needs of customers.
  • 服務(wù)熱線



With the continuous improvement of the quality and performance of domestic gas-fired generator sets, the application scope of generator sets in hospitals, hotels, hotels, real estate and other industries is also expanding day by day. Let's share the four main uses of gas generator set.
1、 Self provided power supply. Some power users do not have network power supply, such as islands far from the mainland, remote pastoral areas, rural areas, military barracks, workstations and radar stations on desert plateau, so they need to configure their own power supply. The so-called self-contained power supply is the power supply for self use. When the generating power is not too large, the generator set often becomes the source of self-contained power supply.
2、 Standby power supply. Standby power supply, also known as emergency power supply, is mainly used to configure its own power supply for emergency power generation in order to prevent accidents, such as circuit failure or temporary power failure, although some power users have relatively stable and reliable network power supply. It can be seen that the standby power supply is actually a kind of self-contained power supply, but it is not used as the main power supply, but only as a means of relief in case of emergency.
3、 Alternative power supply. The function of alternative power supply is to make up for the shortage of network power supply. There may be two situations. One is that the grid power price is too high, and the generator set is selected as the alternative power supply from the perspective of cost saving; The other is that in the case of insufficient network power supply, the use of network power is limited, and the power supply department has to switch off and limit power everywhere. At this time, the power consumption unit needs to replace the power supply for relief in order to produce and work normally.
4、 Mobile power supply. Mobile power is a power generation facility that is transferred everywhere without a fixed place of use. Because of its light, flexible and easy operation, generator set has become the main source of mobile power supply. Mobile power supply is generally designed in the form of power supply vehicles, including self-propelled power supply vehicles and trailer power supply vehicles.
The above four main uses of gas-fired generator sets are produced in response to different stages of social development. Green power can provide 3KW ~ 250KW high-quality and low-energy generator sets with various specifications, such as ordinary, automatic, four protection, automatic switching, low noise and mobile, which can meet all the power needs of customers.
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