



返回 2022.08.31 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
As we all know, there are many brands of biogas generator sets, and there are also many well-known brands in China. So, when purchasing generator sets, everyone knows to choose large brands. However, the authenticity of the generator sets of major brands in the market today is confusing. Only by practicing a pair of fire eyes and golden eyes can you get a real machine! What should the owner pay attention to when purchasing the generator set?
When selecting the generator set, the owner can refer to the following basis: the number and power of the electric equipment, the requirements for the use environment of the biogas generator, the requirements for the automation level of the biogas generator, the owner's budget, etc.
1. The rated power of the generator set is KVA and kW, but 1kW = 1. That is to say, the power of the generator set is.
2. If the refurbished machine or the second mobile phone is used as a new machine, the brand machine has a serial number. If the owner has purchased the generator set, he can check these serial numbers on the Internet. The refurbished machine or the second mobile phone will certainly have the use information.
3. The generator set uses inferior or unqualified raw materials.
To purchase the generator set, it is suggested to compare three suppliers and make a decision after visiting the generator set manufacturer. Here, we are reminded that the key to purchasing generator equipment is to make more efforts in selecting units. It is necessary to select a regular manufacturer, and then select a suitable unit, including the power of the unit and the configuration of the unit. These issues should be carefully considered.
What should the owner pay attention to when purchasing the generator set? The above is the relevant answer to the question. In fact, if you have any questions about the generator industry, you can come to us http://www.pp198.cn I understand.
  • 服務熱線



As we all know, there are many brands of biogas generator sets, and there are also many well-known brands in China. So, when purchasing generator sets, everyone knows to choose large brands. However, the authenticity of the generator sets of major brands in the market today is confusing. Only by practicing a pair of fire eyes and golden eyes can you get a real machine! What should the owner pay attention to when purchasing the generator set?
When selecting the generator set, the owner can refer to the following basis: the number and power of the electric equipment, the requirements for the use environment of the biogas generator, the requirements for the automation level of the biogas generator, the owner's budget, etc.
1. The rated power of the generator set is KVA and kW, but 1kW = 1. That is to say, the power of the generator set is.
2. If the refurbished machine or the second mobile phone is used as a new machine, the brand machine has a serial number. If the owner has purchased the generator set, he can check these serial numbers on the Internet. The refurbished machine or the second mobile phone will certainly have the use information.
3. The generator set uses inferior or unqualified raw materials.
To purchase the generator set, it is suggested to compare three suppliers and make a decision after visiting the generator set manufacturer. Here, we are reminded that the key to purchasing generator equipment is to make more efforts in selecting units. It is necessary to select a regular manufacturer, and then select a suitable unit, including the power of the unit and the configuration of the unit. These issues should be carefully considered.
What should the owner pay attention to when purchasing the generator set? The above is the relevant answer to the question. In fact, if you have any questions about the generator industry, you can come to us http://www.pp198.cn I understand.
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