



返回 2022.08.31 來源:http://www.pp198.cn 0
There are many matters to be paid attention to during the operation of the generator set. In normal times, the engine shall be well maintained to keep the machine running in good condition. Next, we will talk about the precautions for the installation of new coking generator units.
1. The coking generator unit shall be installed stably, and rubber shock absorber of no less than 2 cm shall be installed at the fixed foot of the unit.
2. The coking generator unit shall be installed in a place with good ventilation, smooth heat dissipation and no dust.
3. The load must be more than 50% and not more than 80%, and can be put into normal use after 60 hours of running in.
4. The generator set is normally used at 80% of the rated power.
5. It is forbidden to mix lubricating oils of different specifications.
6. In cold weather, antifreeze coolant shall be used or all drain valves shall be opened after shutdown for cooling to avoid freezing and cracking the machine body.
7. The starting battery of the coking generator unit needs to be inspected regularly, usually once within 15 days.
8. The oil of the coking generator unit needs to be changed regularly, generally once every 200 hours.
9. The coking generator set does not generate power for a long time. The coking generator set is started for more than 10 minutes within 15 days, and the water temperature of the coking machine reaches more than 50 degrees.
In addition, it can be understood that the basis for extending the service life of the engine is that the new engine or the overhauled engine must be run in according to the regulations before it can be put into normal operation. Follow our website http://www.pp198.cn Learn more!
  • 服務熱線



There are many matters to be paid attention to during the operation of the generator set. In normal times, the engine shall be well maintained to keep the machine running in good condition. Next, we will talk about the precautions for the installation of new coking generator units.
1. The coking generator unit shall be installed stably, and rubber shock absorber of no less than 2 cm shall be installed at the fixed foot of the unit.
2. The coking generator unit shall be installed in a place with good ventilation, smooth heat dissipation and no dust.
3. The load must be more than 50% and not more than 80%, and can be put into normal use after 60 hours of running in.
4. The generator set is normally used at 80% of the rated power.
5. It is forbidden to mix lubricating oils of different specifications.
6. In cold weather, antifreeze coolant shall be used or all drain valves shall be opened after shutdown for cooling to avoid freezing and cracking the machine body.
7. The starting battery of the coking generator unit needs to be inspected regularly, usually once within 15 days.
8. The oil of the coking generator unit needs to be changed regularly, generally once every 200 hours.
9. The coking generator set does not generate power for a long time. The coking generator set is started for more than 10 minutes within 15 days, and the water temperature of the coking machine reaches more than 50 degrees.
In addition, it can be understood that the basis for extending the service life of the engine is that the new engine or the overhauled engine must be run in according to the regulations before it can be put into normal operation. Follow our website http://www.pp198.cn Learn more!
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